December 11, 2006, 320 Juniper Ln, Application for Variance
December 11, 2006 The meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) was called to order by President Laporte at 6:07 PM at the Village Hall. ROLL CALL …
December 11, 2006 The meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) was called to order by President Laporte at 6:07 PM at the Village Hall. ROLL CALL …
November 13, 2006 The meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) was called to order by President Laporte at 6:03 PM at the Village Hall. ROLL CALL …
October 16, 2006 The meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) was called to order by President ProTem MacKrell at 6:05 PM at the Village Hall. ROLL…
May 16, 2006 The Board of Zoning Appeals was convened at 7:07 PM at Barton Hills Country Club to hear the request for variance to place light piers in…
April 17, 2006 Present: Trustees Al-Awar, Boddie, Bogat, Butterwick, Laporte, Lindstrom, MacKrell, Perry and Wilkes. Absent: None. Others attending: Atty. Lillich, Asst. Treas. Redies, Supt. Esch, BHMC President Bultman,…
March 20, 2006 ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Al-Awar, Boddie, Bogat, Butterwick, Laporte, MacKrell and Perry. Absent: Trustees Lindstrom and Wilkes. Others attending: Atty. Reading, Asst. Treas. Redies, Supt. Esch,…