May 2014  VOL. LX  No. 6

STAFF VACATIONS Notice will be posted on the door of the Village Hall when there are variations in office hours due to staff vacations. Contact information is also kept up to date on the Village Hall phone message available any time at 734-222-5209. ESCH FOOD DRIVE The David Esch family extends their deepest thanks to…

May 2014  VOL. LX  No. 5

ANNUAL MEETINGS All BHV residents are encouraged to attend the annual meetings: The Barton Hills Village Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, May 12, 2014 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall. Regular business will be conducted by the Board of Trustees in addition to acceptance of annual committee reports (contact the Clerk’s…

April 2014  VOL. LX  No. 4

PLANNING COMMISSION A Special Meeting of the Barton Hills Village Planning Commission, including a Public Hearing, will be held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM at the Village Hall. Approval of minutes and revision of the zoning ordinance will be the subject of the meeting/hearing, including the map attached to the proposed new…