MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING                                   DRAFT


October 14, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Holmes at 6:01 PM at Walter Esch Hall.


 ROLL CALL   Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Darden, Conlin, Hensinger, Holmes, Perry, Popp, and Smith. Absent:  Trustees Haitam
Others attending:  ZA Capozza, BHMC Pres. Jeff David, Supt. Reeves, Asst. Treasurer Reeves. One resident, one project representative and one member of the public.


MINUTES   Minutes of the September 9, 2024 Trustees meeting were approved as printed. (Smith/Hensinger/P)


PUBLIC COMMENT   BHMC President Jeff David thanked all the outgoing Board of Trustees for their time and dedication. David stated that the BHMC is set to approve landscaping plans for 320 Juniper by an email vote, with the condition that an agreed upon completion timeline be met. Due to the requirement that the BHV Board of Trustees review the retaining wall permit associated with the project, and the fact that the upcoming Trustee meeting will be one week later than usual due to a federal holiday, there are concerns that the completion date requested will be unattainable. The BHMC President requested that the BHV Board of Trustees consider calling a special meeting to review the 320 Juniper Lane wall permit application, to be scheduled immediately following the mandatory 15 days post public hearing notice publication. This special meeting request is due to the fact that certain elements of the project need to be completed prior to the arrival of winter weather and a desire by all parties to see the completion of a long and arduous project.


Architect and representative for 320 Juniper Lane echoed the sentiments of BHMC President David, requesting that the BHV Board of Trustees consider calling a special meeting to review the application for the retaining wall permit.


A resident commented on the 320 Juniper Lane project, in support of the special meeting request.


One speaker from the public spoke regarding upcoming election.


Public comment closed at 6:43 PM.


Motion    The request for the Board of Trustees to convene a special meeting to review an application to construct a retaining wall at 320 Juniper was approved. The special meeting will be held November 1, 2024 at 8:30 AM at Walter Esch Hall. (Perry/Darden/P)


FINANCE   (Smith)   A written Treasurer’s report was provided to the Trustees.  –The Credit and Budget to Actual reports were acknowledged.  BHV Audit is ready, notice will be posted in the Barton Bulletin. The Village Auditor Rana Emmons will be at the November 18, 2024 meeting. 98% of the property tax has been received.

–The September 2024 checks for were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).  (Holmes/Conlin/P)

–The September 2024 credit card transactions were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).  (Holmes/Conlin/P)


Motion  Pursuant to Section 3.05 in the Village Ordinance, the Board of Trustees agreed to bill Zaki Alawi, owner of 320 Juniper Lane, for a total of $786 in legal fees incurred by the Village in relation to construction at 320 Juniper Lane. This comprises 3 hours of legal counsel for reviewing zoning variance documents and the Village Lawyer attending the ZBA and Board of Trustees meetings on August 12, 2024, which discussed a variance request at 320 Juniper Lane. This was determined to be a fair portion of the legal fees incurred by the Village in relation to the ongoing project at 320 Juniper Lane.

Motion was approved. (Perry/Popp/P)


Motion  The following motion was approved: Going forward, in any non-emergency situation, any elected or appointed Trustee or Village employee will be required to get prior approval from the Board of Trustees President to utilize services from the Village legal counsel. (Holmes/Popp/P)




Zoning Administrator  (Capozza)   Two zoning certificate applications have expired. One has been extended for 6 months. One needs to reapply to obtain an extension of their

zoning certificate.


Planning Commission  (Hensinger)   No report.

Superintendent  (Reeves)   Water valve to be replaced on Barton Shore 10/15/2024. Cross-connection inspections are finished with HydroCorp. We will continue to attempt to schedule/inspect unresponsive houses. Over 50% of water meters have been installed. DCMI (lead survey) has been completed and sent to EGLE. Will look to inspect all remaining lines next year. Negotiated a better price with the contractor. Woodchipper repairs completed this week.  A resident’s dog came off property to attack another resident’s dog, dog’s owner fingers were injured. Animal control was contacted, and a citation/fine was issued for “dog at large”. The day after incident the dog was off property again and it was reported, and another citation/fine was issued.



Roads/Vehicles (Al-Awar)    No report.


Security  (Holmes)   Was alerted to the dog attack situation and was in agreement on how it was handled.


Water  (Perry)   No report.


Community Activities  (Smith)   No report.


Environment  (Hensinger)   Application for the Deer Cull for 2025 was submitted to the DNR.


Climate Resilience (Popp)  On September 24, 2024 Bryce Frohlich from the Ann Arbor Climate Resilience gave a presentation at the Village Hall, it was a low turnout, with that in mind nothing further has been scheduled.


Human Resources  (Conlin)   No report.


Long Range Planning  (Darden)   No report.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS    No public comment was received concerning the proposed water meter and water service lines ordinance No. 62.

NEW ORDINANCE   Ordinance No. 62 (water meter and water meter service lines) was adopted. (Perry/Hensinger/P)

Motion  To adopt on second reading, the Ordinance No. 62 to amend the code of Barton Hills Village, to address water meters and water service lines, was approved.”



NEW BUSINESS  Board of Trustee President expressed his gratitude to the outgoing Trustees for their time and dedication.



There being no further business or objections, the meeting adjourned at 7:11 PM.




Theresa McDevitt, Deputy Clerk