February 10, 2025
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Torres at 6:01 PM at Village Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Calabrese, Capozza, Darden, Haitam, Hensinger, Perry, Smith and Torres. Absent: Trustee Prager
Others attending: BHMC President David, Supt. Reeves, Asst. Treasurer/ZA Reeves, Deputy Clerk McDevitt, and three residents.
MOTION: Amend the agenda to permit a draft policy concerning conduct of discussion and debate during Trustee meetings. (Perry/Smith/P)
MOTION: Adopt Policy concerning Conduct of Discussion and Debate. (Perry/Smith/P with Haitam voting no)
- No Trustee shall speak until recognized by the Chair.
- The Trustee shall confine comments to the question at hand and avoid personal or ad hominem comments.
- A Trustee shall not speak more than two times on a given question: five minutes the first time; and, after all Trustees have had a first opportunity to speak, three minutes the second time; except with the concurring vote of ¾ of the Trustees present.
- A motion to call the previous question immediately ends all discussion; said motion may not be made until all Trustees have had an opportunity to speak twice to the question.
MOTION: Amend the agenda to permit a draft resolution for Carla Holtz Cell. (Hensinger/Perry/P with Haitam voting no)
RESOLUTION The following resolution was adopted. (Hensinger/Perry/P with Haitam voting no)
BE IT RESOLVED that since Carla Cell has served as the Barton Hills Village Recycling Program Chair and she has brought enthusiasm, skill, and outstanding effort to this volunteer position.
She successfully implemented the Barton Hills Village recycling program for the benefit of the entire Barton Hills community.
The members of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of themselves, the residents and staff, wish to thank Ms. Cell wholeheartedly for her dedicated service, and extend their best wishes to her.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be recorded in the minutes of the Barton Hills Village Board of Trustees.
MOTION: The resolution for Carla Holtz Cell was approved as printed. (xxx/yyy/P)
MINUTES Minutes of the January 13, 2025, Trustee meeting were approved with the following correction: Under Long Range Planning (Torres) We received an email update from the Village Attorney regarding the Bloch Litigation. (Smith/Perry/P)
PUBLIC COMMENT BHMC President David gave an update on BHMC Board activities.
–One resident expressed his thankfulness to the BHV Maintenance Team.
FINANCE (Smith) The January 2025 Budget to Actual and Cash Balances reports were noted. The Cash Disbursements for January 2025 were approved as printed. (Aux. Book XI G). (Darden/Perry/P) The Year-to-Date Revenue/Expense report was reviewed. Treasurer Smith noted that Mr. Alawi of 320 Juniper Lane will receive an invoice from the Village for $6,434.55 for legal services incurred by the Village pertaining to zoning issues. Pursuant to the President’s January request that the Finance Committee review the stability of Flagstar Bank, Treasurer Smith reported that no Finance Committee member expressed any concern due to recent, credible articles from financial news outlets reporting that the bank appears to be stable & on the upward swing, and that none of the Village’s funds are placed at Flagstar nor any of its affiliates.
FY2024-25YEF The second draft Year End Forecast for Fiscal Year 2024-25 was presented to the Trustees; continuing to forecast a balanced YE.
MOTION: Approve spending $8,400 to remove a dying tree that’s overhanging the Village maintenance garage and $1,800 to remove diesel fuel from Village property. (Smith/Darden/P)
FY2025-26 SECOND DRAFT BUDGET Will seek approval of a balanced budget at the March meeting. Treasurer Smith requested any final edits be submitted to her by the end of February.
STATE-MANDATED CHART of ACCOUNTS Was reviewed with the Trustees and will be activated as of April 1, 2025. The proposed FY2025-26 Village budget will be presented in the new Chart of Accounts.
POTENTIAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Trustees Perry, Smith, & Torres presented a BHV Finance Committee-approved overview. BHV residents would benefit from $2.8M in improvements to our existing water system and public works (buildings, grounds, and vehicles) as the Village’s existing infrastructure is experiencing significant decay due to lack of ongoing investment in our capital assets.
MOTION: Approve the exploration of a bond, to include signing letters of engagement with Miller Canfield and PFM (contingent upon Village legal counsel review), as well as securing quotes for capital improvement items, and securing any needed easements. Do not explore funding options of pay-as-you-go, nor the selling of BHV-owned land. Confirm BHV’s eligibility status for a state or federal grant or loan. Direct the President, Treasurer, Water Committee Chairman, and Superintendent to return to the Trustees in April with a more formal proposal. (Smith/Perry/P)
Zoning Administrator (L. Reeves) 320 Juniper Lane will be receiving a letter due to the certificate of zoning application expired. 525 Hillspur Road sent a quarterly update outlining next steps towards making the home habitable.
Planning Commission (Capozza) The committee is intending to have a meeting on March 7th or 8th. They will set an ongoing meeting schedule at their first encounter. Key topics include, but are not limited to, zoning ordinance updates, steep slopes, and stormwater runoff.
SUPERINTENDENT (D. Reeves) 22 homes remain to have new water meters installed.
Roads/Vehicles (Prager) Working with Joint Roads Committee on snow policy update and communications.
Security (Darden) Added a stop sign at Barton North. Will paint the stop sign line at that intersection when the weather permits. The camera system needs an upgrade; funds are included in the FY2025-26 draft budget.
Water (Perry) No report.
Community Activities (Calabrese) Looking at other ways of communication than the Barton Bulletin so that more residents are aware of developments within the community.
Environment (Hensinger) The wildlife management effort is in progress with 23 deer so far and 0 coyotes. There’s been quite a challenge getting residents on the west side of the Village to allow the cull to be executed on their properties.
Human Resources (Smith) No report.
Long Range Planning (Torres) Had the first meeting with the new committee members. Focusing on a plan for items of long-term impact.
MOTION: To appoint the Commissioners for the Planning Commission and terms. (Capozza/Darden/P)
Dennis Capozza – 1 year
Jennifer Ekpo – 2 years
Robert Frank – 3 years
John MacKrell – 1 year
Rob Malan – 3 years
Sarah Munro – 2 years
Randolph Perry – 3 years
There being no further business or objections, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM.
Theresa McDevitt, Deputy Clerk