April 11, 2011
The meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals was called to order by President Pro Tem Butterwick at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Al-Awar, Benson, Borel, Butterwick, Izenberg, Langford, MacKrell and Wilkes. Absent: Trustee Boddie (on speakerphone).
Others attending: Asst. Treasurer King, Supt. Esch, applicants Ernie and Shirley Perich with their designer Todd Matthews, and four residents.
Public Hearing The public hearing on this application was convened at 6:01 PM.
Resident 1 comment: Regarding the proposed gate, concern was expressed for setting precedent that would fundamentally alter the nature of the community. The piers should be set back from the road and be subtle. No comment about the dock other than a jurisdiction question.
Resident 2 comment: The plan is very nice. There is no concern about the dock and the sandstone wall is attractive. The pillars/gate out in front seem inconsistent with the rest of the houses in the neighborhood.
Written comment from contiguous neighbor: We support the renovations with one condition: please do not locate air conditioning/compressors or generators on the east or north sides. This would protect our home and outdoor sitting area from noise. We appreciate the applicant’s indication that extensive landscaping will also provide maximum privacy between the two homes.
There being no further comments from the public, the hearing was closed at 6:06 PM.
BZA Discussion
–A variance is required for any changes to this home because the existing house encroaches on the side setback and is therefore a continuing non-conforming structure.
Motion Variance was granted from Section 9.02 of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow for renovation/construction to the continuing non-conforming structure at 903 Oakdale Road. (MacKrell/Wilkes/P)
–While acknowledging that there are gated homes in the community, the board does not support the concept which seems contrary to the natural beauty and character of the village. The applicant withdrew the proposal for a gate, being more interested in the location of entrance piers that would clearly mark the driveway, especially since the topography is hazardous. Motion Variance was granted from Section 5.03(c) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of lighted piers within the front and/or side setbacks at 903 Oakdale Road, contingent on receipt of satisfactory revised drawings. (MacKrell/Wilkes/P)
–The proposed dock is more of a viewing platform that would be built into the bank and may not actually be in the water. Motion Variance was granted from Section 5.03(c) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a viewing platform in the rear setback at 903 Oakdale Road to the extent that the property is within the jurisdiction of Barton Hills Village. (Wilkes/Al-Awar/P)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the October 12, 2009 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting were approved as printed. (MacKrell/Wilkes/P)
The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 PM. (Al-Awar/Langford/P)
Janice K. Esch, Deputy Clerk