May 22, 2007
Trustee Boddie was chosen by President Laporte to chair the meeting due to her recusal and the absence of President Pro Tem MacKrell. He called the meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to order at 8:34 PM at Barton Hills Country Club.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Al-Awar, Boddie, Boyle, Butterwick, Lindstrom and Wilkes. Absent: Trustees Bogat, Laporte and MacKrell.
Others attending: Atty. Reading, ZPA Perry, Asst. Treas. Redies, Supt. Esch, BHMC President Bultman, applicants Robert and Barbara Hensinger, architects William Meier and Jeremy Walker, and 17 residents.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Boyle moved that the minutes of the April 16, 2007 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting be approved as printed. Mr. Al-Awar seconded; the motion carried.
ZPA Perry explained that on March 30, 2007 Robert and Barbara Hensinger had filed an application for variance to construct an addition to their home (261 Corrie Road). A public hearing was held on the application on April 16, 2007. The addition would encroach on the portion of Lot 6A owned by the Hensingers, so Mr. Perry suggested they apply for a variance or interpretation to determine if a variance was needed, since the BHV Zoning Ordinance is not clear concerning the definition of “lot.” The Hensingers submitted a letter on May 21, 2007 indicating that there is no further subdivision of Lot 6A being considered by them in connection with this project. The Hensingers and their architects were present to answer questions.
Atty. Reading commented that he had rendered an opinion on the question of the definition of lot (distributed to the BZA by email on May 21, 2007). A resolution was proposed that would enable the BZA to move forward on the Hensinger proposal without settling the definition question.
Motion Mr. Al-Awar moved that the resolution regarding the application submitted by Robert and Barbara Hensinger, 261 Corrie Road, be approved. Mr. Lindstrom seconded; the motion carried.
The application submitted by Hermine Klingler, 225 Corrie Road, regarding interpretation of the BHV Zoning Ordinance relating to principal use, was further tabled to the next meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Mr. Al-Awar moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:43 PM. Mr. Boyle seconded; the motion carried.
Jan Esch, Deputy Clerk
Approved 6/18/07