May 16, 2006


The Board of Zoning Appeals was convened at 7:07 PM at Barton Hills Country Club to hear the request for variance to place light piers in the setback of the house being constructed at 280 Barton North Drive, owned by Louis Probst/ Katherine Klein (tabled from the March 20, 2006 BZA meeting).


Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Boddie, Bogat, Butterwick, Laporte, Lindstrom, MacKrell and Wilkes.  Absent:  Trustee Perry.

Others attending:  Atty. Reading, Asst. Treas. Redies, Supt. Esch, BHMC President Bultman, architect Lincoln Poley and 15 residents.


Mr. Poley reviewed the project, noting that the set back line, property line and proposed location of the piers had been staked as requested (Trustees were notified by email so they could visit the site prior to the meeting).  One pier would be about 2′ from the property line with the other pier about 12′, with 16′ in between the piers to allow for emergency vehicle entrance.  The piers would be about 4′ tall with 16″ light fixtures made of copper and yellowish art glass.  The lights would be a maximum of 20 watts, designed to be markers to indicate the location of the driveway.  The need for such markers was questioned, as most driveways in BHV are not marked this prominently.  Mr. Poley noted that the piers were consistent with other piers farther up the driveway.  The method of measuring the location of the piers was also questioned;  Mr. Poley stated that the white stakes marking the lot corners were used as reference points.


MOTION     Mr. Al-Awar moved to deny the request for variance presented on behalf of Louis Probst/Katherine Klein for construction of light piers within the set back at 280 Barton North Drive, based on lack of establishing practical difficulty or hardship that would require the location of the piers as requested.  Mr. Butterwick seconded;  the motion carried.


The Board of Zoning Appeals meeting was closed at 7:18 PM.


Jan Esch, Assistant Clerk


Approved 6/19/06 BHV, affirmed 12/11/06 BZA