August 16, 2004




Since no representative from the applicant arrived, President Wilkes convened the Public Hearing at 6:22 PM.  The purpose of the hearing was to receive public comment on the request submitted by Drs. Vik and Bithika Kheterpal for variance from Section 5.01(b)(1) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance for construction of garages at 521 Hillspur Road with space for more than 3 automobiles.  Mr. Wilkes verified with Mrs. Esch that proper notice of the request had been given in the newspaper and to the neighbors, and that sufficient application/documentation/fee payment had been received from the Kheterpals.  He reviewed the details of the request as stated in the Kheterpal’s application letter.  One letter supporting the request was received from neighbors Steve and Lisa Schwartz.  Zoning Administrator Riad Al-Awar sent an email stating that he felt it was best to have automobiles in garages out of view and that there was sufficient room at the site for the proposed construction.




There being no comments or questions from either the public or the Board, President Wilkes closed the Public Hearing at 6:25 PM.


President Wilkes convened the meeting of the Board of Trustees acting as Zoning Board of Appeals (sic) at 6:25 PM at the Village Hall and appointed Mrs. MacKrell Vice Chair of the proceedings.  Present:  Trustees Boddie, Butterwick, Davis, Hensinger, Laporte, MacKrell, Pickl and Wilkes;  Atty. Etter, Asst. Treas. Redies and Supt. Esch;  BHMC Directors John MacKrell and Donna Kelly.  Absent:  Trustee Al-Awar.


MOTION     Mr. Boddie moved that the Zoning variance for garage construction requested by Drs. Vik and Bithika Kheterpal of 521 Hillspur Road be approved.  Mr. Davis seconded;  the motion carried unanimously in a show of hands vote.


The variance will take effect after the expiration of five days from the date of decision as stated in the Zoning Ordinance Section 10.07.


It was suggested that the Zoning Ordinance be reviewed for needed updating, including this provision concerning garage space limitations.  Mr. Wilkes will write a letter to the Kheterpals stating the decision of the Board and expressing disappointment that there was no one present to represent them.


There being no further business, the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Janice K. Esch

Assistant Clerk