WATER CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT The attached annual report for calendar year 2015 is published in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and summarizes the status of the BHV water system during the last calendar year. Please read it carefully and contact the numbers given for questions or concerns. Lead levels in drinking water have been in the news; BHV water has very low levels of lead and copper as explained on the first page of the Water Consumer Confidence Report. Residents who want to have their home water tested for lead should contact Superintendent Walter Esch (734-368-7884) or Deputy Clerk Jan Esch (734-222-5209or bhvclerk@comcast.net or 199 Barton Shore Dr. Ann Arbor MI 48105).

BHMC VACANCY There is a vacant seat on the Barton Hills Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors due a resignation. The ByLaws require that the remaining Directors elect a shareholder to fill the vacancy until the next election. Shareholders who wish to be a candidate for the position should send a written request of not more than 500 words to Asst. Secretary Jan Esch by mail (199 Barton Shore Drive, Ann Arbor MI 48105), email (bhvclerk@comcast.net) or fax (734-222-9177) by 5:00PM Wednesday May 4, 2016.

WELCOME SPRING! Some reminders about spring activities:

Lawn Debris BHV staff will pick up brush and sticks gathered by homeowners for disposal (lawn service providers are expected to haul away their clean-up debris). Please separate out sticks/brush that can be chipped from leaves and other debris. Place piles near the driveway or road where the staff can see and collect them as their work schedule allows.

Septic Pumping
Contact the BHV Clerk’s Office when making an appointment for septic pumping so a staff member can come at the same time to fill out necessary paperwork. BHV Ordinance No. 21 requires pumping at least every 4 years or more often as needed.

When recycling items, please help to keep the area clean by:
–putting clean cans, bottles, plastics, papers and boxboard in the green bin
–leaving corrugated cardboard near the building, not in the green bin
not bringing any household trash or food items.

Driveway Sealing Choose an asphalt-based sealcoat rather than coal-tars that are high in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which have been identified as toxic and are easily spread by weather elements. For more information check out the Huron River Watershed Council website at www.hrwc.org/coaltar. (Lots of other interesting information at that site too)

Garlic Mustard Control Garlic mustard is an aggressive invasive herb that crowds out native plant species in and near forested areas. Early spring is the ideal time to look for and pull out the dark purple/green rosettes with kidney-shaped, scalloped-edge leaves growing close to the ground. Put the pulled plants in piles for pick up and proper disposal by BHV staff. For a very informative video about garlic mustard featuring local experts and former BHV resident Fred Clark (author of the BHV Forestry Study) visit https://vimeo.com/2855779.

Event Planning
As outdoor parties and celebrations increase, consider guest parking, noise levels and other things that could impact neighbors. Contact Supt. Walter Esch (734-368-7874) for great advice in handling extra cars while maintaining safe roadways.

Traffic Safety Drivers please use extra caution and lower speeds to avoid contact with wildlife, pedestrians, joggers, dog-walkers and service workers who may be in the traffic lanes. Bicyclists should ride with traffic, single file when vehicles are present. Walkers/runners should face traffic and also be single file when vehicles approach.

DIRECTORY UPDATE Contact Clerk’s Office for details

M-14 CLOSURE Thank you for your patience during the Michigan Department of Transportation road/bridge repair on M-14. Residents are asked to be particularly careful to adhere to driving etiquette while traveling on Foster Bridge. Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department reminds drivers that the one lane bridge requires taking turns to let one car pass from each direction alternately and cautions not to stop on the railroad tracks while waiting for a turn. This project impacts traffic patterns throughout the area so drive carefully at all times.