RAIN GARDEN PRESENTATION     The BHV Climate Resilience Subcommittee is hosting a virtual program with Washtenaw County Rain Garden Coordinator Susan Bryan on Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM.  Learn more about the benefits and how to create a rain garden.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING     May 9, 2022     6:00 PM     Walter Esch Hall
The public may attend in person (masks highly encouraged), or via Zoom:

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82194090475?pwd=WFEyeG9VQ3JWYVFONFFnV3hqWlAzdz09Meeting ID: 821 9409 0475            Passcode: 238434

One tap mobile     +19292056099,,82194090475#,,,,*238434# US (New York)
Dial by your location     +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

The meeting will include a public hearing for a wall permit (driveway retaining wall) at 484 Barton North Drive.  Public comment on the project may be submitted in writing to Barton Hills Village prior to the meeting, or in person during the meeting.


BHV ELECTION     Four seats on the nine-member BHV Board of Trustees will be up for election this November.  Candidates for the four-year terms must:
–be registered voters in Barton Hills Village,
–submit nominating petitions with the signatures of at least 20 but not more than 30 registered voters in Barton Hills Village, and
–obtain nominating petitions and other information from the Ann Arbor Township office, which administers all elections for BHV residents.

The deadline to file candidate nominating petitions is 4:00 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2022.  That sounds like a long way off, but it is a firm deadline.  Petitions are available now, and the Township staff greatly appreciates it when paperwork is submitted well before the deadline.  This also offers the candidate time to correct any errors or provide additional information.

The Ann Arbor Township office is located at 3792 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor MI 48105 (note that Warren Road between Whitmore Lake Road and Pontiac Trail may be closed for repairs).


WATER REMINDER     Along with robins and budding flowers, a sure sign of spring is water sprinklers coming on.  Please help conserve BHV water resources with these good habits.

–Don’t set and forget.  Your watering system must either have a moisture sensor, or you need to control it, so it does not run when there have been recent rains.

–Water early in the day to minimize evaporation and avoid diseases.

–Water deeper, less often, to encourage root growth.

–Mulch to keep in moisture (and control weeds).

–Use soaker hoses to put the water just where it should go

–Mow lawns high (3”) to promote water retention.


NO MOW MAY     The BHV Climate Resilience Subcommittee has a great suggestion for BHV residents—take a brief vacation from lawn moving during the month of May!

No Mow May is a national conservation campaign to support the survival of pollinators by encouraging people not to start mowing their lawns until the end of May.  This creates a boost in the number of flowers, and nectar, available to pollinating insects such as bees, butterflies and moths.

Delayed mowing allows pollinators that overwinter in grassy open spaces and below trees to emerge and mature, and provides early season flowers with pollen and nectar the pollinators need.  Mowers at rest don’t contribute to air/noise pollution and less mower-caused soil compaction allows greater infiltration of stormwater rather than surface runoff.

Ann Arbor City recently approved a resolution in support of No Mow May, and a number of information sources are posted on their website at a2gov.org/nomowmay.  Dexter Township also supports the initiative.

During the past 30-plus years, national pollinator populations have suffered serious losses due to invasive pests and diseases, exposure to pesticides and other chemicals, loss of habitat, loss of species and genetic diversity, and changing climate.​​ The No Mow May initiative aims to counter that trend and help to move towards a more diverse and sustainable natural landscape.