BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING     April 11, 2022     6:00 PM     Walter Esch Hall
The Trustees will meet in person.  The public may come in person (masks highly encouraged), or via Zoom:            Meeting ID: 830 0626 7050          Passcode: 766087
One tap mobile   +19292056099,,83006267050#,,,,*766087# US (New York)
Dial by your location    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

The meeting will include public hearings for a wall permit (859 Oakdale Road) and a solar permit (1035 Country Club Road).  Public comment on the projects may be submitted in writing to Barton Hills Village prior to the meeting, or in person during the meeting.


PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING     April 12, 2022    6:00 PM     Walter Esch Hall  There will not be a Zoom option for the in-person meeting.  The Commissioners are discussing updates to the BHV Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance.


SPRING HAS SPRUNG!     The Spring neighborhood decorating event is on!  From now until April 17 residents are encouraged to create and place springtime outdoor decorations (e.g. large cardboard painted Easter Eggs, flowers, etc.) in their yards for children (and their families) to hunt for as they walk or drive slowly through the community.


RAIN GARDEN PRESENTATION     The BHV Climate Resilience Subcommittee is hosting a virtual program with Washtenaw County Rain Garden Coordinator Susan Bryan on Tuesday April 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM  Contact the CR Subcommittee at or to sign up and receive a reminder.  RSVP is appreciated, but you can also just show up.  Learn more about the benefits and how to create your own rain garden.


DOGS WITH SPRING FEVER     Please keep all dogs on a leash, for everyone’s safety.



Early spring is prime season for helping to control garlic mustard.  This aggressive, invasive plant spreads quickly through woodlots, outcompeting understory plants including tree seedlings.  Tiny seeds are easily scattered and remain viable in soil for up to five years.  Garlic mustard produces compounds that can limit seed germination in other species.  Pulling the rosettes now will diminish the number of seeds that will come later in the summer.  Start with small patches that can be eliminated to control the spread.  Leave the plants on the roadway shoulder to be picked up by the BHV staff or put them in plastic bags and put them in your trash.


GOT BIG PLANS?     Or even little ones?  Remember to contact Jan or Traci at the Clerk’s Office about project review requirements.  It’s also helpful to let them know if you have projects that include extra vehicles for workers/supply deliveries that require attention to parking and making sure the roads are open to traffic.


SECURITY UPDATE     Security cameras have been installed at two of the three BHV entrances, with the third one in progress (extra wiring required).  Residents are encouraged to consider home security systems that provide even better coverage.  The BHV Security Patrol travels through the community often and at random times.  Contact the Clerk’s Office if you will be away and want to request a closer watch.  Remember to lock up houses/vehicles and arrange for newspaper/mail/package pick up—easy ways to be safe.


BHMC NEWS     Thanks to the shareholders who returned their ballots, approving the 2022-23 budget by a 39 ½ -1 vote.

BHMC is hosting an Earth Day gathering on Saturday April 23 from 1-4 PM to continue the improvements along the Barton Pond waterfront.  Volunteers will be cleaning up sticks and trash, spreading mulch, painting, and watching for signs of emerging wildflowers.  Meet at the Boat Club with gloves and shovels.  For more information email


Enjoy the beautiful springtime!