August 18, 2011

The meeting of the BHV Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Laura Weingartner at 7:35 PM at the Village Hall.

ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Boddie, MacKrell, Richards, Weingartner and Zoldan. Absent: Commissioners Hescheles and Wallace. Others present: ZPA Perry, BHV Long Range Planning Committee Chair Cheryl MacKrell and BHMC President Bultman.

PUBLIC COMMENT Accepted throughout the meeting.

MINUTES The minutes of the April 21, 2011 meeting were approved as printed. (Richards/Boddie/P unanimously)



Zoning Ordinance The draft dated 8/11/11 was discussed.

The following items were deemed to be decided: –No change to Section 5.05 which allows for private wells. –Section 5.12 Wind energy. It is unlikely that a Wind Energy Conversion System not greater than 40’ tall would be viable in BHV. Concerns for noise and visual impact were voiced. These systems should be prohibited. –It is understood that Places of Worship cannot be excluded but can be regulated. –The proposed language in Section 9.04 concerning non-conforming lots, uses and structures is acceptable. –The requirement of a 1 acre minimum lot size is acceptable. A larger minimum size would be difficult to justify as it would cause a number of lots to become nonconforming. The possibility of a large lot being split into smaller lots is adequately addressed through the Deed Restrictions administered by BHMC. –A schedule of fees set by the Board of Trustees was supported. Also, a civil infractions ordinance needs to be adopted by the Trustees.

More investigation/discussion is needed on these topics: –Section 5.07 Accessory structures, particularly porches, decks and patios which are not regulated in the existing ZO. Also pools/hot tubs shouldn’t be in the front yard. –Article 8 should be rewritten as pertaining strictly to non-R1 projects. “Where required” should be changed to indicate if the item is required or not.

Approved 12/1/11 BHV PC 8/18/1 P. 2
–Items from Article 8 should be duplicated in a separate section where they would apply to R1, such as exterior lighting, parking and signs. –Consistent language should be used regarding “plot plan” (used for R1 projects) and “site plan” (used for specific non-R1 projects). Should R1 houses over a specific size be required to do a site plan, or as an alternative, are there elements of the site plan process that should be specified in a separate section as applicable to houses over a certain size? –Should the issue of abandoned vehicles, boats with blue tarps, recreational vehicles, etc. sitting outside be addressed in a separate nuisance ordinance? –Natural features, steep slopes and trees. Ann Arbor Township ordinances on those topics will be investigated. –Section 5.07 A3a regarding accessory buildings and architectural style. Should the number of garages be limited? If there is no desire to limit the number of cars a resident may own, then there should be no limit on garages, but the issue should be dealt with from an architectural perspective by BHMC. –Concerning the responsibilities and authority of the Planning Commission, the Zoning and Planning Administrator and the Zoning Board of Appeals, a flow chart will be developed to indicate who does what. –Are there specific small projects, i.e. landscape walls under a certain height, generators/AC units, etc. that should be addressed in a simplified review process? –Definitions, setbacks and waterfront issues need to be discussed further.

Consultant Dick Carlisle should be asked: –What is required to be included regarding Child Care, Family Day Care and Adult Foster Care facilities? –In considering requirements for larger houses, should net or gross measurement be used? (also his input regarding larger home issues in general as described above)

Mr. Perry and Mrs. Esch will continue the draft revision. This ZO draft (dated 8/11/11) will be send to Mr. Carlisle, along with the minutes indicating the list of issues discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. (MacKrell/Boddie/P unanimously)

Janice K. Esch, Assistant Secretary