Monday September 5 LABOR DAY Trash collection will be on Tuesday September. Regular trash days first, third and fifth Mondays.
Sunday September 11 BHV PICNIC Please RSVP to Jan Esch by September 8. Join your neighbors for food and fun. See the attached invitation.
Wednesday September 14 TAXES DUE Barton Hills Village property taxes payable no later than this date to avoid penalties.
Monday October 31 HALLOWEEN Halloween Trick-or-Treat event. Watch for information about Dollie the Trolley.

WATER CONSERVATION During these hot summer days please help to conserve water.
–Water lawns wisely. Frequent watering leads to shallow roots and greater susceptibility to diseases that thrive in wet soil. Grass needs 1” per week including rainfall, so sprinklers should not be running daily or after rain.
–Water plants early in the day or later in the evening. Soaker hoses provide water directly to roots without overspray or excess foliage moisture.
–Check for leaks around the house, wash full loads of clothes and dishes and don’t let water run unnecessarily.
For more ideas check out the Huron River Watershed Council website at and click on the “Take Action” tab.

BHV ELECTION Three candidates submitted petitions before the deadline to run for the Board of Trustees: Forrest Butterwick, Sharon Popp and Carla Smith. Five seats on the Board will decided at the November 8, 2016 General Election. The deadline for filing as a write in candidate for the BHV Board is 4 PM on Friday October 28, 2016.
All BHV election activities, including absentee ballots, are handled by Ann Arbor Township, 3792 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor 48105; 734-663-3418;; Clerk Rena Basch

PARKING REQUEST The BHV staff has been discouraging non-residents from using the Village Hall and tennis court parking to the Barton Nature Area/Barton Dam parking lot on Huron River Drive. Contact the Clerk’s Office for more information.

DIRECTORY UPDATE Contact the Clerk’s Office for more information.

IN SYMPATHY Deepest sympathies to the family of long-time resident Elizabeth Teeter, who passed away recently.

COMING SOON School buses will join the walkers, joggers, bicyclists, kids, slow drivers, pet walkers, lawn service vehicles, people getting their mail, low hanging branches, hidden driveways, speed tables and, of course, deer –all things that may be a surprise coming around that curve or over that rise. Please observe speed limits and be ready for sudden stops on BHV’s beautiful, winding roads.

RECYCLING REMINDER Please put only clean items in the recycling bins. Unrinsed beverage cans and containers with food remnants attract insects/animals and promote germs. Do not leave garbage in the recycling area. A bit of extra attention will be appreciated by all.

TRASH REQUEST When purchasing trash containers, please choose ones small enough for one person to lift unless all trash will be bagged before put in the can. The BHV employees lift the cans/bags up into the trash truck so weight is a factor. Thanks!

LYME DISEASE Lyme disease has been reported in Washtenaw County including one BHV resident who was recently treated and a former resident who continues to struggle with long term effects. Protection and early attention are important.
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection primarily transmitted by deer ticks. The tiny insects are about the size of a poppy seed, with a painless bite, and are typically found in wooded, grassy areas. Symptoms are often vague: flu-like fever, chills, sweats, muscle aches, fatigue, nausea and joint pain; often but not always a bulls-eye shaped rash may appear. Seek medical advice early, especially if symptoms arise after outdoor activities
Preventative measures include wearing long sleeves, long pants, socks and hats outdoors. Repellants containing DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil are effective, along with permethrin spray for clothing and shoes. Check for ticks after outings, especially on children and pets. For more information go to

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!