December 1, 2011

The meeting of the BHV Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Andre Zoldan at 7:32 PM at the Village Hall.

ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners CMacKrell, JMacKrell, Richards, Wallace and Zoldan. Absent: Commissioners Curtner and Weingartner. Others present: ZPA Perry by speakerphone, BHV Trustee Forrest Butterwick and BHMC Director Chuck Bultman.

PUBLIC COMMENT Accepted throughout the meeting.

MINUTES The minutes of the August 18, 2011 meeting were approved as printed. (Richards/Wallace/P unanimously)



Zoning Ordinance The draft dated 11/26/11 was discussed. Mr. Perry’s email of 11/26/11 was referenced, indicating that changes in the draft were both editorial and substantive, addressing the concerns raised at the last Planning Commission meeting.

1) Definitions—building height/grade. It was agreed that the existing definition/diagrams were not helpful, given the wide variety of topographical circumstances in BHV. The Commissioners discussed changing the definition to measure height to the topmost part or peak of the roof, and also discussed whether to measure height from the existing grade before any earth movement or from finished grade. Following discussion the Commissioners supported a height limitation of 40’ measured at any point from existing grade.

2) Definitions—off street parking. It was agreed that the definition as worded was acceptable. The Commissioners also discussed whether to apply any of the commercial parking lot requirements to single family residential lots. They concluded that this designation should refer to parking for situations other than single family residential and that the parking regulations later in the ordinance should be revised.

3) Definitions—lot, lot lines etc. It was agreed that the definitions relative to front, rear and side lot lines were not applicable to many BHV lots, given their irregular lot lines. The Commissioners favored designation of the side facing a road as the front and everything else as a side. They

Approved 1/19/12 BHV PC 12/1/11 P. 2
favored specific setbacks based on lot size, with perhaps three designations (i.e. under one acre, under two acres, etc). Waterfront lots also merit different setback treatment at the waterfront. It was agreed that the consultant should be asked if there were difficulties or concerns with this idea.

Mr. Perry and Mr. Zoldan will meet with Mr. Carlisle before the next Planning Commission meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Regular meeting dates for 2012 were set: January 19, March 15, May 17, July 19, September 20, November 15 (third Thursday every other month). (CMacKrell/JMacKrell/P unanimously)

The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM. (Wallace/JMacKrell/P unanimously)

Janice K. Esch, Assistant Secretary