WINTER HAS ARRIVED!  Here’s the scoop on snow plowing.

–Plowing with two trucks and available crew takes at least 8 hours to clear a 3-4” snow and 12 or more hours for a heavier snow.

–The roads are the first priority and will be cleared as much as possible during the snowfall.  Achieving totally clear pavement throughout the village may take a number of days.  Hills, curves and intersections are given the most attention.

–Driveways are plowed when 3 inches of snow have fallen, beginning with the steepest ones.  Those with flatter driveways can usually get out until the plow truck arrives.

–The snow has to go somewhere.  The trucks plow in from the road and have to work around vehicles, bushes, lights and other obstacles.  Pushing snow into the roadway is illegal statewide.

–Driveway plowing is a service offered by BHV, but it does come with limitations.  Residents are always free to make other arrangements with private snow plowing providers to better suit their needs.


HOLIDAY TRASH COLLECTION     Regular trash collection will occur on Monday December 18.  The next collection day will be Tuesday January 2, 2018 due to the Monday New Year’s Day holiday.  Regular schedule of first, third and fifth Mondays will resume on January 15, 2018.


BE SEEN!     With the shorter, darker days of winter upon us, pedestrians, dog walkers, joggers and bikers are reminded to wear bright/reflective clothing and use bright flashlights and headlights to announce their presence on the roadways.  People dressed in dark clothing are virtually invisible, especially as a vehicle rounds a corner or tops a hill.


BE SAFE!     The speed limit is 25 mph on all BHV roads.  Residents are reminded to keep their speed down and be prepared for school buses, delivery vehicles, wildlife and other surprises in the road as well as inclement weather.  Visitors to the village need to see that the speed limit is for real and that residents are dedicated to protecting everyone’s safety.


IN SYMPATHY     Deepest sympathy to the families of Frances Quarton and Jean Smith, both long-time BHV residents who passed away recently.


HALLOWEEN     A bumper crop of over 60 children and adults enjoyed the Halloween pizza party at Walter Esch Hall before boarding either Dollie the Trolley or Holly the Trolley for the Trick or Treating ride.  Ann Arbor Township Fire Department members were on hand in the parking lot with the big fire truck to begin the candy distribution.  Many thanks to Sonnet Meek for coordinating the ride sign up and stops lists, to the residents who participated with Trolley stops, and to the BHV Recreation Committee for their efforts in providing this most successful Halloween event.


BHV BOARD OF TRUSTEES     The Barton Hills Village Board of Trustees has set their 2018 regular meeting dates (second Monday of each month):
January 8             February 12                  March 12 (Annual Meeting)    April 9                             May 14

June 11                July 9                              August 13                              September 10                 October 8

November 12 (Election November 6)          December 10

All meetings begin at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall.


HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS     Walter Esch Hall (Clerk’s and Treasurer’s offices) will be closed from Friday December 22, 2017 through Tuesday January 2, 2018.  Regular office hours (8:30-11:30 AM Monday-Thursday) will resume on Wednesday January 3, 2018.  If you have an urgent need please call the office number (734-222-5209) and follow the after-hours instructions.  Email and office phone messages will be checked sporadically over the holidays.

Best wishes for a very happy holiday season from all the BHV staff

Jeff (Sue) Hnatow   215 Barton Shore Drive   Superintendent

Dave & Jan Esch   227 Barton Shore Drive   Asst. Superintendent/Deputy Clerk

Chris (Stacie) Ward   175 Barton Shore Drive   Maintenance

Robbie Hicks   c/o 199 Barton Shore Drive   Maintenance

Josh Dyer   c/o 199 Barton Shore Drive   Maintenance

Priya King   c/o 199 Barton Shore Drive   Asst. Treasurer

Mary Cantor   c/o 199 Barton Shore Drive   Clerk’s Office