February 11, 2019
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Pro Tem Butterwick at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Al-Awar, Benson, Butterwick, Hensinger, Popp, Saldana and Turner. Absent: Trustees Smith and Torres.
Others attending: ZA Perry, Asst. Treas. King, Supt. Hnatow, BHMC President Curtner, BHV employee Joe Hnatow and three residents.
–One resident spoke in support of increased security measures in BHV
–Two residents spoke regarding the proposed budget and road issues
MINUTES Minutes of the January 14, 2019 Trustees meeting were approved as printed. (Turner/Saldana/P)
FINANCE/FINANCE COMMITTEE The Cash Balances report was distributed. The Cash Disbursements for January 2019 were approved as printed. (Aux. Book VII F(5)) (Benson/Popp/P) The proposed 2019-20 budget was discussed. [Note: an incorrect (earlier date) draft of the budget was distributed with the agenda. The correct draft was distributed with the draft minutes on 2/12/19.] (Aux. Book VIII F(3)) Trustees should submit funding requests to Mr. Turner/Mrs. King before February 20, 2019. The proposed budget will be distributed to the residents with the Barton Bulletin and Annual Meeting notice in late February.
Zoning Administrator (Perry) Barton Hills Country Club submitted application for improvements at their swimming pool complex, including retaining walls. Since much of the proposed project is not in BHV but in Ann Arbor Township, the BHV Trustees will review only a small portion of the proposed wall for a wall permit. The BHV Planning Commission will review a proposed extension of the bathhouse (add larger kitchen) for zoning compliance, as required for non-residential projects by the BHV Zoning Ordinance. A zoning consultant will be retained for the Planning Commission review; this expense will be passed on to the applicant.
Planning Commission (Hensinger) No report.
COMMITTEE REPORTS President Torres (via Mrs. Esch) amended her thinking regarding written communications from residents on particular topics. Such communications should be sent to the Board via the Clerk’s office so it can be distributed to all Trustees, rather than to Committee Chairs who would then have to make sure the communications were passed on to other Trustees. Residents will be informed of this process in the next Barton Bulletin.
Water (Popp) Update from the last two committee meetings was given. Details will be included in the Water Committee Annual report.
Roads/Vehicles (Al-Awar) More funding was requested for the 2019-20 budget to address the need for more road paving/repair, since paving has been deferred in recent years.
Environmental (Saldana) The committee met twice and will be researching three topics: professional plan for waterfront/conservation lands, deer management and coyote management.
Security (Butterwick) Information about security cameras at gates/intersections was reviewed. A community presentation on homeowner security resources will be provided by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department as soon as a date can be arranged. The Trustees approved expenditure of $5200 for BHV employee Joe Hnatow to attend a four-month police training program. (Popp/Al-Awar/P) Joe expressed his intent to remain with BHV for long-term employment. Supt. Hnatow is researching the process for reestablishing the BHV police department.
Human Resources (Smith) No report.
Long Range Planning (Turner) No report.
Recreation (Benson) No report.
Special Roads (Torres) No report.
Zoning/Planning (Hensinger) No report.
There being no further business or objections, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM. (Al-Awar/Popp/P)
Janice K. Esch, Deputy Clerk Approved 3/11/19