February 13, 2023


The meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order by President Holmes at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall.

ROLL CALL     Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Darden, Haitam, Hensinger, Holmes, Perry, Popp, and Smith.     Absent:  Trustee Conlin.
Others attending:  ZA Capozza, Asst. Treasurer Carey, Supt. Hnatow, BHMC President David, and one resident.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES     Minutes of the January 9, 2023 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting were approved as printed.  (Perry/Popp/P with Haitam abstain)

351 BARTON SHORE DRIVE – Application for Variance   Generator installation in front of the front line of house/front yard
Prior to the meeting the applicant requested postponement due to not being able to attend the meeting in person or provide a suitable representative.

320 JUNIPER LANE – Appeal of Zoning Administrator decision (denial of submitted change in plans)
Prior to the meeting the applicant requested postponement due to having additional information that would not be ready for submission in time for the meeting.

MOTION   Based on the requests submitted by the applicants, consideration of the 351 Barton Shore Drive variance application and the 320 Juniper Lane appeal were postponed to the March 13, 2023 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. (Perry/Haitam/P)


There being no further business or objections, the meeting was adjourned at 6:02 PM.

Janice K. Esch, Deputy Clerk

Approved 3.13.23