January 13, 2025
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Torres at
6:00 PM at Village Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Trustees Calabrese, Capozza, Darden, Haitam, Hensinger,
Prager, Smith and Torres. Absent: Trustee Perry
Others attending: BHMC Pres. Jeff David, Supt. Reeves, Asst. Treasurer/ZA L. Reeves
and Deputy Clerk McDevitt.
MINUTES Minutes of the December 9, 2024 Trustees meeting was approved with the
following change: Finance: President Torres referred Trustee Haitam’s inquiry on the
stability of Flagstar Bank to the Finance Committee. (Prager/Smith/P)
PUBLIC COMMENT President of the BHMC Jeff David wants to thank Derek and team
for keeping the roads safe. Also, would like to thank the Joint Roads Committee for the
document clarifying snow and salt procedures. We support the team, but the BHMC wants
to be careful of the use of contracting out.
FINANCE (Smith) A written Treasurer’s report was provided to the Trustees. –The
Credit and Budget to Actual reports were acknowledged. –The December 2024 checks for were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).
(Hensinger/Capozza/P) –The December 2024 credit card transactions were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).
(Hensinger/Capozza/P) –All property taxes have been received. –95% of Budgeted Revenue has been received as of December 21, 2024. –Water usage payments were due in December. Second invoices with penalties and
interest have been sent. $181,000 received so far, $34,000 remain outstanding. –69% of Budgeted Expenses have been spent as of December 31, 2024. –$52,016.94 interest was earned in 2024. –Resident’s can now pay online by credit card; the credit card fee is paid by the payor. –FY2025-26 First Draft Budget was presented.
Motion To reconcile all the legal invoices for 320 Juniper Lane (Alawi) compile a letter
from President Torres and CC Village Attorney and bill Zaki Alawi was approved.
Motion To approve the January 13, 2025 Budget resolution. (Smith/Torres/P)
Zoning Administrator (L. Reeves) Training of first class is near complete. 320 Juniper
Lane is being reviewed with WCHD due to septic fields issues. Architect Chuck Bultman
and his team are working on a response to the issues that have been brought forward by
Ann Arbor Township and Washtenaw County Health Department. There is also a possible
issue with the location of the stairs. They may need to be moved due to the septic field.
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Planning Commission (Capozza) Working on getting volunteers. Will know more by next
month’s meeting. They will be looking at trees, steep slopes and permit renewals.
Superintendent (D.Reeves) New maintenance technician, Jacob starts on 1/21/25. 107
water meters installed. Working with Waterscope with meters showing a lot of water waste.
Replacement of inoperable hydrant as temperature permits. The new Haul-All truck arrives
this week. All the guardrails have been properly reconstructed except for the one at the
corner of Barton Shore and Spring Valley. This one is on hold for now due to a natural gas
main in the same location with a broken tracer wire. Waiting on DTE to repair. Met with the
owner of M2 Tower to discuss cell tower lease options.
Roads/Vehicles (Prager) The Joint Roads Committee met and has completed a 2025
Snow Removal Practice Memorandum: –To clarify snow removal practice versus policy. –To remind shareholders of their requirements to receive snow plowing service. –Recommend establishing a shareholder escalation pathway in the event of
Security (Darden) No report.
Water (Perry) No report.
Community Activities (Calabrese) No report.
Environment (Hensinger) Closing down the recycling committee. 82 households are
recycling. 30% of monthly waste is recycled. Thank you to Carla Cell and the recycling
committee for all their hard work. The Deer Cull is in progress and will be adding coyotes
this year to the cull. Would like an increase in the Deer Cull budget.
Human Resources (Smith) Updates to the BHV Employee Manual: –Documenting the employee reimbursement policy. –Compliance with Michigan’s Equal Sick Leave Act. –Add a phrase to the employee housing paragraph. –Update of computer policy & electronic devices. –Addition of the word “marijuana” to drug & alcohol policy.
Motion To approve updated Employee Manual. (Darden/Hensinger/P) with Trustee
Haitam voting no)
Long Range Planning (Torres) Has not met. We received an email update from the
Village Attorney regarding the Block Mitigation. Our aquifer will not be at risk.
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There being no further business or objections, the meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM.
Theresa McDevitt, Deputy Clerk