January 20, 2011
The meeting of the BHV Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Laura Weingartner at 7:37 PM at the Village Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Boddie, Richards, Wallace and Weingartner. Absent: Commissioners Hescheles, J. MacKrell and Zoldan. Others present: ZPA Perry and BHMC President Bultman.
MINUTES The minutes of the November 18, 2010 meeting were approved as printed. (Boddie/Richards/P unanimously)
Membership Chuck Hescheles was appointed to a three-year term, Laura Weingartner was reappointed to a three-year term and Will Boddie was reappointed to a one-year term on the Planning Commission. Current officers were reelected to continue in their positions: Chair Laura Weingartner, Vice-chair Andre Zoldan and Secretary John MacKrell. (Boddie/Richards/P unanimously) REPORTS None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS
Zoning Ordinance Discussion led to support for the following concepts:
–Districts. Districts will be R-1 (single-family residential 1 acre and larger), R-2 (single- family residential less than 1 acre), AG (agricultural) and R-C (private recreation/ conservation) with overlays for such things as waterfront and natural features. Municipal will be a permitted use within the appropriate districts.
–Review process. The Planning Commission will receive the application, gather information, hold a public hearing if needed and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board will have final decision authority, can hold another public hearing if they want and will serve as Zoning Board of Appeals. This centers the authority in the elected rather than appointed officials.
–Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board of Trustees will be the ZBA, which hears matters of specific appeal of an aspect of a project or abuse in the procedure (rather than being another venue for presentation of the original project).
–Site Plan/Plot Plan. A plot plan (a more simple presentation) will be adequate for projects of smaller size. A site plan (more comprehensive presentation including additional specific information and involving additional cost) will be required for projects
Approved 4/21/11 BHV PC 1/20/11 P. 2
over a certain size, such as 7,500 square feet or a percentage of lot coverage. The methods for determining project size will be defined in the ordinance. –Timeframe. The Commission will work to complete a basic zoning ordinance by June 1, 2011. Time will then be spent on detailed aspects of the ordinance with necessary amendments made by December 31, 2011. NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission regular meeting dates were set for April 21, 2011, August 18, 2011 and October 20, 2011. (Richards/Boddie/P unanimously)
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. (Richards/Boddie/P unanimously)
Janice K. Esch, Assistant Secretary