MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING                       



June 13, 2022


The meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order by President Benson at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall plus online video/phone conference.

ROLL CALL     Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Benson, Conlin, Haitam, Hensinger, Popp, and Smith.  Absent:  Trustees Darden and Holmes.

Others attending: ZA Capozza, Supt. Hnatow, staff Joe Hnatow, BHMC President David, ZH MDarden, four residents, and two guests.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES     Minutes of the March 14, 2022 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting were approved as printed.  (Smith/Conlin/P)


APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE     485 Barton North Drive (Anand)

Project Presentation     Variance was requested for placement of an accessory structure (storage building) in front of the front line of the house.  The building is already located on a concrete pad with a sidewalk leading to it from the driveway.  It is not very visible from the road or to the neighbors when the trees are leafed out, but is visible when the leaves are gone.

Public Hearing     The Public Hearing was convened later in the meeting at 6:29 PM.  There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 6:30 PM.

Discussion/Decision     Regarding practical difficulty, the lot is ample to provide numerous alternative sites next to or behind the house.  No owners or representatives were present at the meeting.


Motion     Request for variance from Section 5.07(A-1) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow placement of an accessory structure in front of the front line

of the house at 485 Barton North Drive was denied, based on the availability of other suitable locations on the lot that would not require this variance.  (Al-Awar/Smith/P with Benson abstain)


APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE     180 Underdown Road (Breskman)

Project Presentation     Variance was requested for placement of a play structure in front of the front line of the house.  While the lot is large, other locations are not suitable due to the presence of the septic field, steep slopes, and the swimming pool.  The location requested is in the front set back, near the house/driveway, outside the pool safety fence, and screened from the road by significant vegetation.

Public Hearing     The Public Hearing was convened at 6:10 PM.  There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 6:11 PM.

Discussion/Decision     Safety concerns were mentioned, such as proximity to the driveway and Underdown Road.  Neighbors have been notified, with no response.

No owners or representatives were present.


Motion     Regarding the request for variance from Section 5.07(A-1) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow construction of a play structure in front of the front line of the house at 180 Underdown Road, a motion to deny was defeated (Hensinger/

Al-Awar/with Al-Awar, Haitam and Hensinger voting yes; Benson, Conlin, Popp and Smith voting no), as was a motion to approve (Popp/Benson/with Benson and Popp voting yes, Al-Awar, Conlin, Haitam, Hensinger and Smith voting no).  The project was tabled to the July 11, 2022 meeting, and the owners will be asked to be present or represented to further discuss the request.  (Al-Awar/Conlin/P)


APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE     192 Barton Shore Drive (Gordon/Duvall)

Project Presentation     Variance was requested for placement of a garden fence in front of the front line of the house.  The fence has dark green metal corner posts and a wooden gate that will be painted dark green.  The fencing itself will be invisible fishing line, sufficient to confuse and deter deer without being a hazard to people who might unknowingly run into the fence.  The fence will be permanent for protection of edible plants during the growing season and fruit trees year round from deer and other animals.  The owners were present to show a sample of the fishing line and to explain the benefits of gardens/rain gardens in mitigating water runoff into the Huron River.

Public Hearing     The Public Hearing was convened at 6:33 PM.  Questions were answered regarding set backs (not encroaching) and materials.  The hearing was closed at 6:42 PM.

Discussion/Decision     Regarding practical difficulty, the house is sited very near the rear property line, with significant tree cover, and slopes down to the extensive front yard.


Motion     Request for variance from Section 5.07(A-1) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance to allow placement of a permanent garden fence in front of the front line of the house at 192 Barton Shore Drive was approved.  (Popp/Al-Awar/P)




There being no further business or objections, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM.

Janice K. Esch, Deputy Clerk     Approved 7.11.22