HOLIDAY FIREWORKS Barton Hills Country Club will be holding their annual member celebration of Independence Day with fireworks on Friday, June 28, 2013. Families with dogs and young children who might be upset by the noise should make appropriate arrangements. Residents are also advised to use extreme caution when setting off any legal fireworks, taking great care to prevent fires, injury or damage as well as being considerate of sleeping neighbors.

PUBLIC HEARING The Barton Hills Village Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on July 8, 2013 at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall, 199 Barton Shore Drive, to hear application for variances submitted by Matt Turner, owner of property at 855 Oakdale Road. Variance is requested from Section 5.01(b)(1) of the Barton Hills Village Zoning Ordinance for construction of garage space for more than three automobiles, and variance from Section 5.03(d) for construction of an accessory building taller than 15 feet. The application may be inspected at the Clerk’s Office at the Village Hall (734-222-5509). Written comments may be submitted in person, emailed (, faxed (734-222-9177) or mailed (Barton Hills Village, 199 Barton Shore Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105) prior to the close of the public hearing.  The Barton Hills Village Board of Trustees regular meeting scheduled for July 8, 2013 at 6 PM will convene immediately following the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.

TRUSTEES MEETING DATE CHANGE Since the State of Michigan moved the BHV election date from September 2013 to November 2014, the BHV Board of Trustees has moved its September meeting date from the posted date of September 16, 2013 back to the customary second Monday date of September 9, 2013. The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall. Trustees meeting agendas and minutes are posted at the Village Hall and on the BHV website ( the Thursday preceding the meeting date.

STAFF VACATIONS Notice will be posted on the door of the Village Hall when there are variations in office hours due to summer vacations. Contact information is also kept up to date on the Village Hall phone message available at 734-222-5209.

DIRECTORY UPDATE Contact the Clerk’s Office for information.

SUMMER ALERT While most people will enjoy a carefree summer, there are some potentially serious threats that can be lessened by taking simple precautionary actions. Read on to learn more about summer safety.

TICKS The 6/17/13 issue of the Huron River Watershed Council feature News to Us ( includes an article on the increase in the tick population in southeastern Michigan. The article provides photos of the three most common types of ticks and the recommendation to check people and pets thoroughly for ticks after being outdoors. Since some ticks may transmit Lyme disease, it is wise to use proactive measures such as wearing long sleeves and long pants tucked into socks, using repellants containing at least 20% DEET on exposed skin and permathrin on clothing, and avoiding brushy areas. Lyme disease is a serious illness that can be effectively treated if addressed promptly.For more information check the HRWC article and the website of the national Centers for Disease Control at or phone the CDC at 800-232-4636.

WEST NILE VIRUS The Washtenaw County Public Health Department has the following recommendations regarding West Nile Virus which is spread by certain types of mosquitoes:

–Wear light-colored clothing, long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks when outdoors.

–Wear insect repellant containing DEET, Picaridin/KBR 3023, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus/PMD or IR3535 when outdoors, particularly at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

–Limit mosquito breeding sites by draining standing water in flowerpots/saucers, clogged gutters, wading pools, patio furniture covers and other water-collecting places around the home. Change water in birdbaths and outdoor pet dishes at least twice a week.

–Repair screens and seal other home openings to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

More information is available at , , or the West Nile Virus Information Line at 734-544-6750.

HEALTHY LAWN CARE Keep these tips in mind for maintaining a healthy lawn while also protecting the environment and watershed.

–Cut grass high, leaving 3 inches on the grass blade after mowing. Taller grass promotes root growth and shades out weeds.

–Mulch grass clippings, letting short clips fall back on the lawn. Clippings are a source of nitrogen so fertilizer can be reduced by 25% or more. Clippings do not cause thatch.

–Water appropriately. Don’t allow automatic sprinklers to run every day regardless of the weather–watering should not produce puddles in the lawn. Water early or late in the day to reduce evaporation due to heat and wind.

–Before applying fertilizer, have the soil tested. Knowing the nutrient levels for a particular lawn will help to avoid over-application of fertilizers that can be costly and cause pollution. Remember that fertilizers containing phosphorus are banned for home lawn care use in Michigan to help prevent algae blooms in waterways caused by high levels of phosphorus.

For more information check out or phone the MSU Extension Master Gardener office at 734-997-1819.