WATER TOWER UPDATE Cleaning and painting of the BHV water tower is progressing well. When the actual work is done there will still be some wait time while the paint cures and the tower is refilled/treated/tested. You will receive notice as soon as the project is complete. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping your sprinkler systems off and limiting unusual use of water, which helps the staff to maintain adequate water supply to all homes. For questions or concerns please call Supt. Walter Esch (734-368-7874) or the Village Hall (734-222-5209).

FOIA POLICY In compliance with current legislation, the BHV Board of Trustees adopted a new policy regarding the Freedom of Information Act. The policy details how to submit a FOIA request, how requests are processed, what costs may be incurred and how to submit an appeal. A shorter, easier-to-read summary of the policy has also been adopted. Both the policy and the summary are posted on the BHV website (www.vil-bartonhills.org) and are available in
paper copy from the Clerk’s Office.

HOLIDAY FIREWORKS Barton Hills Country Club will be holding their annual member celebration of Independence Day with fireworks on Friday, June 26, 2015. Families with dogs and young children who might be upset by the noise should make appropriate arrangements. Residents are also advised to use extreme caution when setting off any legal fireworks, taking great care to prevent fires, injury or damage.

ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS The BHV Board of Trustees Environmental Committee has provided the following important information: Residents recently received a flyer from Eradico advertising a spraying program for mosquitoes which raised red flags for several reasons, the main one being the chemicals used.   When we first received their information a couple of years ago, we did the homework on this product. We feel it important to share the results with you.

Barton Pond, owned by the City of Ann Arbor, is the source of most of the Ann Arbor water supply. In evaluating information provided by Eradico, environmental and water staff at the City of Ann Arbor report: “[The chemical] is not soluble in water.  It sinks to the bottom where one locates [water] intakes.  It is highly toxic to fish, invertebrates and bees.  It is classified in SARA II as an acute and chronic health hazard.”   Along with the City and the Huron River Watershed Council we highly recommend AGAINST using this spraying service. There are very effective alternatives, such as a small device called ThermaCELL that repels mosquitoes effectively at a fraction of the price of this dangerous spraying and with no damage to the environment and health (Ortho also makes a similar product). These and other methods are widely available in hardware and big box stores.

Trustee Cheryl MacKrell would be glad to share about her family’s successful mosquito-battling experiences (668-6628). Thank you for being thoughtful and cautious about this and all products that could have harmful environmental consequences.

CANINE CONVERSATIONS Please be paying attention to what your dog friends are saying when barking goes on for more than a few minutes, especially early in the morning and later in the afternoon/evening when neighbors have windows open and are enjoying the lovely outdoors. You may be used to their excessive communication but others are not.

DIRECTORY UPDATE Contact Clerk’s Office for information

LAWN AND GARDEN CARE (contact the BHV Clerk’s office for more details)

–Michigan law requires use of phosphorus free lawn fertilizer except in specific cases so look for fertilizers with a middle number of 0 (first number is nitrogen, second is phosphorus, third is potassium). Excess phosphorus in the waterways contributes to excessive aquatic plant grown, nuisance algal blooms and decreased oxygen levels.

–For healthy lawns, mow high to promote root growth (3” is recommended). Water sparingly, as overwatering promotes plant damage, fungal growth and nutrient leaching (sprinklers should not be on in the rain!) Automatic sprinklers need a moisture detection element. Also consider more shrubs/flowers instead of grass, deep-rooted native plants, rain barrels and rain gardens.

STAFF VACATIONS Notice will be posted on the door of the Village Hall when there are variations in office hours due to staff vacations. Contact information is also kept up to date on the Village Hall phone message available any time at 734-222-5209.