HALLOWEEN THANKS In the appropriately shivery weather, everyone had a wonderful time on Dollie the Trolley. Many thanks to all who participated in the Halloween event, especially those who organized the route/riders/volunteer helpers, the residents who welcomed the trolley to stop at their homes, and those who provided a festive pizza party at the Village Hall before the ride. Two umbrellas (blue and maroon) were left in the Village Hall and an adjustable ring with gold band and green stone was found on the trolley. Contact Jan Esch to claim them.

DIRECTORY ADDITIONS Contact the Clerk’s Office for information

2014 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Enjoy the attached 2014 Community Calendar produced by the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC), of which Barton Hills Village is a member. Along with the beautiful photos each month, take a look at the “H2O Heroes” quotes at the bottom of each page. Don’t wait until December to check out the fun “Get Your Hero On!” activity at the back of the calendar, which includes a chance to win an H2O Hero t-shirt. Contact Clerk’s Office for a copy of the calendar.

The HRWC website includes lots of interesting and helpful information including:

–mulching leaves as many area golf courses do instead of raking, with a link to MSU research;

–recycling aluminum canoes into works of art through the Canoe Image Art project being sponsored by a number of
community groups. Artist proposals are due by December 30, 2013 for the project which will feature a display of the transformed canoes in Ann Arbor City during August-November 2014;

–stories on fracking, Asian carp, water scarcity and climate change; and

–an entertaining video on how to portage a canoe at Argo Dam.

Take a look at www.hrwc.org.

PROPOSED ORDINANCE New Ordinance No. 46 concerning regulation of activities in the roads is proposed by the Board of Trustees. The text of the proposed ordinance is printed below. Residents may comment on the ordinance by attending to speak in person at the December 9, 2013 Board of Trustees meeting, and/or by sending written comments to the Trustees in care of the Clerk’s Office by mail (199 Barton Shore Drive, Ann Arbor MI 48105), fax (734-222-9177) or email (bhvclerk@comcast.net). Written comments must be received by 6:00 PM on December 9, 2013 to be included in the discussion at the Trustees meeting.

Section 1. Definitions.

1. “Pedestrian” means a person walking, running or otherwise traveling other than in a vehicle.

2. “Organized event” means a race, parade, march or other planned event in the vehicle travel area of Village roads.

Section 2. Pedestrians in vehicle travel areas.

Every pedestrian in the Village road area paved for vehicle travel shall follow these regulations:

1. Travel to the far left of the road (facing traffic) when travel to the far left is possible and safe.

2. When traveling as a group, shall proceed not more than two abreast and shall proceed single file when vehicle traffic is present.

Section 3. Organized events.

No person shall arrange, publicize or participate in an organized event on Village roads unless the event has been approved in advance by the Village Board of Trustees. The approval shall be based on a determination of whether the proposed event will be safe and whether or not it will cause inconvenience to Village residents. Approval may be conditioned upon providing proof of insurance that protects the Village regarding liability.

Section 4. Penalties.

Each violation of this ordinance shall be a civil infraction punishable by a civil fine of up to $500.00.

CAR SEAT FITTING A child safety car seat fitting will be held on Wednesday afternoon, November 20, 2013 from 4:00-6:30 PM at Suburban Chevrolet, 3515 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor. The event is sponsored in part by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department and the CS Mott Children’s Hospital “Mott Buckle Up!” program. To make an appointment to ensure that your car seats are properly fitted phone 763-2251.

SNOW PLOWING/SALTING This week’s dusting of snow is only a taste of what is to come and the BHV maintenance crew is getting ready for more of the white stuff. Roads are plowed and salted by the crew in the order of primary roads, secondary roads, and driveways beginning with the steepest ones. Road salt is used sparingly to protect the environment but adequately to ensure safe travel. Please use extra caution on snowy days, and remember the speed tables, which may not be as visible under the snow (but will still be felt!)

Happy Thanksgiving!