HALLOWEEN     Once again the Halloween event was well attended, with over 60 children and adults enjoying the pizza party at Walter Esch Hall before boarding either Dollie the Trolley or Holly the Trolley for the Trick or Treating ride.  Ann Arbor Township Fire Department members were on hand in the parking lot with the big fire truck to begin the candy distribution.  Many thanks to Sonnet Meek for coordinating the ride sign up and stops lists, to the residents who participated with Trolley stops, to the BHV Staff for their safety escort, and to the Recreation Committee for their efforts in providing this wonderful Halloween event.

BHV RESIDENT DIRECTORY     There have been a number of residents moving out and in since the 2016 BHV Resident Directory was published.  An updated 2018 version was just distributed in electronic format, and the small paper booklets will be printed in early December.  If you would like one or two paper booklets, please contact Jan at the Village office.  Also contact Jan if there are any changes to be made in your Directory listing.

PLANNING COMMISSION     The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for December 4, 2018 has been rescheduled to December 13, 2018 at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall.

TREE TRIMMING     DTE Energy trimmers are working their way through BHV to keep power lines clear.  BHV has contracted with Maulbetsch Tree Service to remove 8-10 dead trees along the roadways in December.  Residents are urged to keep trees on their property maintained as well, removing dead/dying trees and anything that poses a safety hazard.

TRASH COLLECTION     Due to the holidays, trash collection will take place as usual on Monday December 3 and Monday December 17, but on Thursday December 27 instead of Monday December 31.  Regular first/third/fifth Monday collection will resume on Monday January 7, 2019.  These dates are posted on the calendar on the BHV website.

SECURITY UPDATE     While there have been no more security incidents recently, residents are advised to continue taking reasonable precautions to protect their homes and property.  Don’t let mail pile up in the box or packages linger by the door, and remember to lock doors/windows/vehicles, set alarms and keep an eye on neighborhood activities.  If you need help or have significant concerns, call 911 first.  BHV Supt. Jeff Hnatow can be reached at 734-368-7896.  If you want the BHV staff to know when you are away, call Supt. Hnatow or the BHV office at 734-222-5209.

SNOW PLOWING     Please contact Jan at the Village office if you will be having a private service plowing your driveway this winter.  This information is essential to the BHV staff in planning safe and effective snow removal.  Residents are reminded not to place landscape items such as plants, rocks or light fixtures along the driveway edges where the snow and/or the plows will damage them.

Residents are also encouraged to use environmentally friendly de-icing products to minimize salt run off.  Increased levels of salt and other de-icers is harmful to vegetation and aquatic life, especially as it runs through storm drains and ditches into the river.  Use as little as needed to get the job done, and remove visible de-icer from dry pavement that is no longer working and will be washed away.  Avoid de-icers all together by shoveling early and often, which is healthier for both the environment and the shoveler.

RECYCLING REMINDER    Please do not put corrugated cardboard in the green recycling bin (which costs money to dump);  put it in the salt shed (where it can be gathered/baled/sold).  Also do not bring household trash to the maintenance or recycling area (where there is no place to store it until trash collection day);  please call the BHV office to make arrangements.

BHV AUDIT     The audit report for fiscal year 2017-18 has been completed and is available for public inspection at the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.

Best wishes for a very happy holiday season from all the BHV staff