VILLAGE PICNIC About 50 residents braved the uncertain weather to enjoy the Village Picnic on Sunday afternoon October 14. Most stayed inside the Village Hall but some ventured out to watch the kids playing and the Eschs manning the grills. Thanks to all who brought delicious food and helped with set up/clean up.

HALLOWEEN REMINDER The annual BHV Halloween ride featuring Dollie the Trolley will be held on Halloween evening, Wednesday October 31. (Contact the Clerk’s office for details)

DIRECTORY UPDATE (Contact the Clerk’s office for details)

LEAF PICK UP The BHV maintenance staff will vacuum up leaves raked by residents if piles are left along driveways or near the side of the road (but not in the road to cause a traffic hazard). If a lawn service company is hired, they are expected to haul away leaves and brush. Leaves cannot be picked up on trash days (first, third and fifth Mondays) since the same vehicle (with different attachments) is used for both. Please sort out sticks and brush that will damage the leaf vac (these are picked up separately) and don’t bag the leaves. Thanks!

THERE’S STILL TIME… …to have your septic tank pumped this fall. Please contact Jan Esch (, 734-222-5209) when you make an appointment with a pumper and one of the BHV staff will come at the same time to fill out the paperwork. BHV Ordinance #21 requires pumping at least every four years (more often if necessary). Contact Jan if you want to know the last recorded pumping date.

EMAIL CONTACT LIST The new BHV Email Contact List was successfully used for the recent water notices and Halloween notice. Please email Jan ( if you:

–wish to add, change or delete an email address on the list

–wish to receive all BHV communications via email rather than just urgent notices

–have any other comments about the email list.

Written notices and Barton Bulletins will continue to be delivered to all BHV residents.

RESIDENT PARTICIPATION OPPORTUNITY A few BHV residents are needed to serve on a short-term committee to update the BHV Wellhead Protection Plan. This important document, one of the first of its kind in the state, was approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) in April 1997. The purpose of the Wellhead Protection Plan (WPP) is to develop and sustain a program to ensure an adequate safe drinking water supply for residents.

Residents volunteering to serve on the committee would review the current plan, identify areas that need updating and provide input regarding groundwater and stormwater pollution prevention. This would be a short term commitment with a limited time frame. Contact Jan Esch by November 15, 2012 if you are interested in serving on the committee.

Six goals are listed in the current WPP.

1) Research land uses within the wellhead protection area that may pose a threat to the groundwater supply.

2) Protect the drinking water supply by working to prevent the pollution of surface and groundwater.

3) Educate property owners to ensure that land use practices on their property do not threaten the drinking water supply.

4) Plan and prepare for water supply emergencies.

5) Promote inter-governmental cooperation to ensure protection of the drinking water supply.

6) Maintain an awareness of the state and local laws and regulations that apply to wellhead protection.

The BHV Board of Trustees and staff carry on a variety of continued efforts to meet these goals. The BHV Water Emergency Contingency Plan is regularly reviewed/approved by the MDEQ. Public education tools, such as Barton Bulletin articles, printed materials distributed to residents and area-wide projects like the Huron River Watershed Council annual calendar, help to keep residents informed and up to date on water quality issues. BHV is a member of the Huron River Watershed Council, the Middle Huron Watershed Initiative and the Partners for Clean Streams. Barton Hills Village also holds a State of Michigan General Watershed permit for stormwater control/pollution prevention. In 2010 BHV received the Washtenaw County “Excellence in Water Quality Protection” award.

The Barton Hills community considers protection of water resources a matter of highest priority. The efforts of individual residents to maintain septic systems, follow best practices in recycling and stormwater pollution prevention, and provide input to the board and staff are essential to ensuring the continued good health and protection of our environmental resources.