RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 3, 2020 ELECTIONS     5 seats on the Board of Trustees


Christopher Conlin       140                       Mostafa Haitam             103
Sharon Popp*               137                        Denton Wolf                   84
Carla Smith*                 131                                *Incumbent
Riad Al-Awar*              128
Howard Holmes            105

Special appreciation to outgoing President/Trustee Alicia Torres and long time Trustee Forrest Butterwick for their dedicated service to our community.

The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month, beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Current agenda and all minutes are posted on the website

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be on Monday, November 9, at 6:00 p.m. by Zoom video/phone teleconference.

To attend the meeting online/phone:

Meeting ID: 983 5173 6020  Passcode: 328589

One tap mobile  +13126266799,,98351736020#,,,,,,0#,,328589# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


IN SYMPATHY     Deepest sympathies to the families of Jim Craven and Frank Legacki, both long-time residents who passed away recently.


BHMC ASSESSMENTS     The BHMC mailed/emailed the annual assessment invoices earlier this week.  Please keep an eye out for them in your mailbox.


HALLOWEEN     The new-format Halloween event was well attended, with 17 families enjoying the spooky outdoor booths and movie at the Village Hall grounds.  Many thanks to Recreation Chair Linda Benson for coordinating the event, to the residents who participated, to the BHV Maintenance Staff for their creativity and dedication, and to Halloween Committee volunteers Sonnet Meek, Lori Shirilla and awesome decorations designer Yael Zoldan for their efforts in providing this fun and safe event during these trying times of COVID.


FALL CLEAN UP     It’s that time of year!  BHV staff have been working on fall cleanup.  They can vacuum up wet leaves as long as there is no snow in the piles (that freezes in the hose) and will do so for homeowners who rake their own leaves.

  • Lawn service providers are expected to haul away whatever debris they gather.
  • Please do not bag leaves for pick up.
  • Separate out sticks, rocks and brush that clog up the leaf vacuum and leave them in a separate piles (sticks and brush separate) from the leaves near (but not in) the driveway or roadway where the staff can pick them up as time permits.
  • Consider mulching leaves to provide nutrients for the lawn.
  • Remove leaves from catch basins to keep water off the roadways.
  • Leaf pick up will not occur on trash collection days.


SNOW PLOWING     Please contact Jan at the Village office if you will be having a private service plowing your driveway this winter.  This information is essential to the BHV staff in planning safe and effective snow removal.  Residents are reminded not to place landscape items such as plants, rocks or light fixtures along the driveway edges where the snow and/or the plows will damage them.

Residents are also encouraged to use environmentally friendly de-icing products to minimize salt run off.  Increased levels of salt and other de-icers is harmful to vegetation and aquatic life, especially as it runs through storm drains and ditches into the river.  Use as little as needed to get the job done, and remove visible de-icer from dry pavement that is no longer working and will be washed away.  Avoid de-icers all together by shoveling early and often, which is healthier for both the environment and the shoveler.