FALL PICNIC  Join the fun!  Sunday September 18   5:00 – 8:00 PM  Village Green
Burgers, brats, hot dogs, lemonade, water and paper goods provided.  Bring a dish to share. Lawn games (bring some more if you have them)
Live entertainment by The Four Roses!
RSVP to Jan at  734-222-5209  or  bhvclerk@bartonhillsvillage.org  by Monday September 12


BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING     Monday September 12  6:00 PM    W.Esch Hall  

The public may attend in person or via Zoom.  Agenda posted on the BHV website (Boards).

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81360223854       Meeting ID: 813 6022 3854

One tap mobile   +13126266799,,81360223854# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location   +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

     At the September 12th meeting, the Trustees will be considering whether or not to donate the historic BHV fire truck to the Michigan Firehouse Museum in Ypsilanti.  Have an opinion about that?  Contact the Clerk’s office at 734-222-5209 or bhvclerk@bartonhillsvillage.org.

     A host is needed for the September 12th Trustees meeting as an on-site back up while we try remote hosting.  Contact the Clerk’s office to volunteer.  Thanks!

     A single, marked key was found near the recycle shed on Thursday morning September 1st.  Contact the Clerk’s office to identify/claim.

     BHV tax bills and BHMC shareholder assessments are both due by Wednesday September 14, 2022 before penalty/interest charges are added.  Payments can be mailed to 199 Barton Shore Drive, dropped off at Walter Esch Hall during business hours, or left in the new secure drop box by the front door of Walter Esch Hall.

    Joe Hnatow and Sarah Lescoe were recently married.   Best wishes to our Superintendent and his bride!


SECURITY REMINDER     While BHV provides frequent/varied security patrols and cameras at the entrances, residents can do even more to protect their homes and property.

Suggestions from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department community presentation to BHV residents in 2017 still hold true.
–Install and always set a home alarm system
–Use motion sensor outdoor lights
–Set timers on indoor lights and change patterns often
–Shield windows near doors
–Lock doors and windows;  install deadbolts on doors

–Lock vehicles; don’t leave garage door openers or valuables in vehicles
–Prune shrubs
–Know your neighbors and keep an eye on neighborhood activities
–Don’t let mail pile up in the box or packages linger by the door
–Sign up for the US Postal Service Informed Delivery option for expected mail
–Notify the BHV staff when you will be away
–Make your home unattractive for intruders.  Everything helps, even fake signs/cameras.

If you need help, call 911 first.  Also call 911 or the BHV staff if you have significant concerns/something just doesn’t look or feel right.  BHV Supt. Joe Hnatow is available 24/7 at 734-263-9378, or phone the BHV office 734-222-5209 for other after-hours contact numbers.

     The 2-foot tall, square white posts seen in many places around the Village are property corner markers installed in the late 1940’s.  They are very helpful so please protect them.  Point them out to contractors and landscape providers.  If they get broken, damaged or wobbly, call Supt. Hnatow or the Clerk’s office so they can be repaired.

The same goes for shorter, square cement markers (monuments) and metal pipes you may find nearly buried.  These also may indicate property/survey lines and need to be left alone.  Thanks!

     The BHV staff will pick up brush and sticks gathered by homeowners for disposal (lawn service providers are expected to haul away their clean-up debris).  Please separate out sticks/brush, that can be chipped, from leaves and other debris.  Place piles near the driveway or road where the staff can see and collect them as their work schedule allows.

     Contact the BHV Clerk’s Office when making an appointment for septic pumping so a staff member can come at the same time to fill out necessary paperwork.
BHV Ordinance No. 21 requires pumping at least every 4 years or more often as needed.