MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING                                     DRAFT


September 9, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Holmes at 6:00 PM at Walter Esch Hall.


 ROLL CALL   Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Darden, Hensinger, Holmes, Perry, and Smith. Absent:  Trustees Conlin, Haitam and Popp.
Others attending:  ZA Capozza, BHMC Pres. Jeff David, Supt. Reeves, Asst. Treasurer Reeves.


MINUTES   Minutes of the August 12, 2024 Trustees meeting were approved as printed. (Smith/Hensinger/P)




FINANCE   (Smith)   A written Treasurer’s report was provided to the Trustees.  –The Credit and Budget to Actual reports were acknowledged.

–The August 2024 checks for were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).  (Holmes/Hensinger/P)

–The August 2024 credit card transactions were approved as printed (Aux. Book XI G).  (Holmes/Hensinger/P)

President Holmes commended the interest income accumulated thus far and suggested keeping informed of rate changes to adjust investments as necessary.




Zoning Administrator  (Capozza)  An update on current projects was given and discussion was made in regard to length of time on projects and enforcing fines.


Planning Commission  (Hensinger)   No report.

Superintendent  (Reeves)   The annual water sampling is completed and has been submitted to the State (EGLE). The 2024 sampling included nitrates, PFAS and lead & copper. The fire hydrant on Oakdale is leaking from the base. It is still operational but needs repair. There is a broken gate valve on Barton Shore. Multiple contractors have been out for both issues and quotes are in progress. Maintenance staff has begun clearing brush back from the roads to increase visibility for drivers/pedestrians on some of our blind corners.



Roads/Vehicles (Al-Awar)    Paving is complete. Painting of the road lines including crosswalks is under contract and to be done soon. Continued discussion of road safety.


Security  (Holmes)   Discussed speeding and cut through of traffic, acknowledging that residents and country club members contribute to the safety issues on the roads. Will continue to work with the BHMC in the recently formed joint committee to address the issues.


Water  (Perry)   Deferred water committee discussion to “Unfinished Business”


Community Activities  (Smith)   The fall picnic is September 15th and The Village Halloween event will be on Halloween October 31st this year.


Environment  (Hensinger)   No report.


Climate Resilience (Popp)  The meeting previously scheduled on August 27th with presenter Bryce Frohlich, a representative from  Ann Arbor’s Climate Resilience initiative was cancelled. It will be rescheduled, and all residents are invited, a notice will be published in the Barton Bulletin.


Human Resources  (Conlin)   No report.


Long Range Planning  (Darden)   No report.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS    Discussed the need for a new ordinance with language regarding the ownership of water meters and water lines on residents’ property. The board approved on first reading a draft of the new ordinance No. 62 to amend the code of Barton Hills Village to address water meters and water service lines. Second reading of the ordinance will be at the Board meeting on October 14.

Motion To adopt the first reading of Ordinance No. 62 to amend the code of Barton Hills Village to address water meters and water service lines was approved. (Smith/Hensinger/P)


NEW BUSINESS   A proposal for Potential Barton Cottages for Residents’ Use was discussed. Trustee Smith will explore and gather more information on the proposal and return to the Trustee meeting next month with a formal plan that includes financial and legal considerations, as well as a pro forma budget and management plan.


BHMC President David communicated that the new housing development was voted on by the Ann Arbor Township Planning Commission and it was voted a minor change, allowing the use of the name “Barton Ridge” for their development.



There being no further business or objections, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.




Theresa McDevitt, Deputy Clerk