COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES     There were 114 responses received thus far to the BHV Recycling Survey. Please be sure to submit your results in the link below:

BHV residents will be Holiday Caroling on December 11, 2022 from 3-5 PM. Meet at the Village Green at 3:00 PM to join the fun!

DANGEROUS ANIMALS SITUATION RESOLVED      The Board of Trustees and the owners of the dogs that were running loose have come to a mutual resolution of the problem. The dogs in the area of Barton North Drive and Hillspur Road will be under control and not a threat to pedestrians on the road. Everyone is reminded to be cautious on the roads to keep our community safe.



SNOW PLOWING      Winter has arrived! Here is the scoop about snow:

  • BHV plows the roads first and then the driveways when there is at least 2 ½ inches of snow. Steep areas are tended to as needed to maintain safety.
  • Snow is plowed from the road in towards the house. Think about your driveway and what might be in the way of where the snow has to go. Parked cars may need to be moved to allow for plowing.
  • Contact the Village office if you will be having a private service plowing your driveway this winter. This information is essential to the BHV staff in planning safe and effective snow removal.
  • Residents are encouraged to use environmentally friendly de-icing products to minimize salt run off. Increased levels of salt and other de-icers are harmful to vegetation and aquatic life, especially as it runs through storm drains and ditches into the river.  Use as little as needed to get the job done, and remove visible de-icer from dry pavement that is no longer working and will be washed away.  Avoid de-icers all together by shoveling early and often, which is healthier for both the environment and the shoveler.


RECYCLE REMINDER    Please (!!)  Keep cardboard dry until it can be picked up on regular trash days.  Rain and snow may sneak up on boxes left outside overnight, and



even the early morning dampness can make a mess.  If you bring cardboard down to the recycle area, put it just inside the salt shed, under cover from the wetness.  Thank you!

CLIMATE CORNER 11.2022.docx - Google Docs