I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM… …We All Scream for Ice Cream!
Please join us on Sunday, June 5th, from 5:45 – 7:15 pm on the Barton Hills Village Green for sweet treats to celebrate the end of the school year and the start of the summer season! The BHV Community Activities Committee has reserved the Ann Arbor Goodie Ice Cream truck to visit from 6-7 pm. Please bring sufficient cash to cover your own purchased treats. Some of our younger residents will also be running a lemonade stand to raise money for accoutrements for our community fairy garden. Looking forward to seeing fellow residents at this fun gathering to kick off summer!
NORTH 40 COMMUNITY MEETING The Barton Hills Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors invites all residents to provide comment on the transformation of the North 40 from agricultural fields to a natural preservation area designed to be enjoyed by the Barton Hills community. This public comment time will be the first agenda item at their regular meeting on June 7, 2022, beginning at 6:00 PM via Zoom (connection information below).
Now that the North 40 is almost ready for visitors, the Board will be discussing the rules for use and welcomes resident input. If you are not able to attend on June 7, you can express your thoughts in writing to Asst. Secretary Jan Esch (contact@thebhmc.org; BHMC, 199 Barton Shore Dr. Ann Arbor MI 48105) by June 6 so that your comments may be included in the discussion.
Join Zoom Meeting BHMC June 7, 2022 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 774 954 9491 Passcode: 1234
One tap mobile +13126266799,,7749549491#,,,,*1234# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
GARLIC MUSTARD PRIME TIME Now is the time to pull those tall white flowers before they cast their multitude of long-living seeds! Lots of information is available online, or from the Clerk’s Office. Thanks for helping keep this rampant, invasive plant under control!
RAIN GARDEN RECORDING Thanks to all who joined the rain garden presentation organized by the Climate Resilience Committee. A recording of the presentation is available at
https://wayne-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/a_TN0W6VdkLbyuftsHMgb8XzNFJohlHY4wzWH2vx MAkE_5S_MXIP9_XaSR4YKjCr.pCnSA0oBtqsyFoLz
GREAT PARTY! BUT… …all that disposable party paraphernalia isn’t necessarily recyclable. Quick recycling rules:
CLEAN! No food items are recyclable, in or out of the container.
PAPER Compostable is not recyclable, nor are coated paper plates/cups.
PLASTICS Numbers 1, 2, and 5 are OK; other numbers are not.
WRAPPINGS Gift wrap that is not metallic/glittery, tissue paper and
packing paper are OK; bubble wrap and plastic bags are not.
GLASS Glass bottles/containers are fine if empty/clean.
BHV pays to have both trash and recyclables hauled away. Trash in the big green bin can contaminate the entire load! If you’re not sure, throw it away. We would rather have you trash recyclables than try to recycle trash. Thanks for taking the time to recycle thoughtfully.
SPEAKING OF TRASH Regular trash collection days are 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays. When holidays fall on a trash Monday, the collection takes place on Tuesday, like it will on Tuesday May 31 rather than on Monday May 30/Memorial Day.
EARTH DAY SUCCESS Thanks to all who attended the BHMC Earth Day waterfront improvement event! Check out the freshly cleared/mulched path, the wildflowers peeking up, and the fairy garden at Waterfront Park next to Barton Boat Club. (Please park at the grassy area behind the chain gate rather than on the road or in the Boat Club parking area.)
BHV ELECTION The deadline to file candidate nominating petitions for the Board of Trustees is 4:00 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2022. Petitions are available at the Ann Arbor Township office, located at 3792 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor MI 48105 (note that Warren Road between Whitmore Lake Road and Pontiac Trail is closed for repairs).
Happy Spring!