COVID-19 UPDATE     Thank you for your continued efforts to fight the spread of the virus, including staying home, practicing social distancing, and washing hands and surfaces.  If you have questions or concerns about BHV safety practices or other needs, call Supt. Hnatow at 734-368-7896 any time.  While the Village offices are closed, BHV email and phone messages are checked often, so don’t hesitate to use them.  THANK YOU to all the medical personnel and folks on the front lines of this unprecedented battle!


RECYCLING   Recycle Ann Arbor has closed its facilities, so the BHV green bin will not be exchanged once it is full and the oval doors are closed.  You can still recycle:

— Corrugated Cardboard (but not boxboard i.e. cereal boxes).  Leave cardboard by your trash cans on regular trash days, or leave it just inside the salt shed in the recycling area.

— Glass.  There is still room in the open bin for glass, but only glass.

— #2 Plastics.  Milk jugs/water jugs/detergent bottles go in the wire bins.

Other items you usually recycle can be kept until recycling resumes, or go in your regular trash, which must all be in plastic bags. 

Do not leave trash or other items outside the green bin or in the recycle shed.

Thank you for your cooperation.  PS:  The bicycle missing from the recycle shed was returned the same day 🙂


SPRING CLEAN UP     The BHV maintenance crew has been busy collecting brush and leaves that homeowners have been gathering!  Please keep leaves separate from brush/sticks, in piles near the driveway or road where the crew can pull up and load the debris into the truck.  Don’t bag leaves or go to extra work cutting sticks into short lengths.


SPONTANEOUS FUN     Many thanks to the Hofmeister family for their great idea about the Easter Egg Hunt!  Unofficial tally on Sunday was at least 18 homes displaying eggs and other decorations for everyone to enjoy.


EARTH DAY 50 FOR 50     April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a world-wide movement to focus on environmental issues and positive actions to care for our planet.  While there won’t be large rallies this year, there are plenty of things you can do that will make a difference.  Locally, the Huron River Watershed Council is sponsoring 50 For 50asking folks to pick up at least 50 items of trash as they are out walking–in honor of Earth Day’s 50th anniversary.  Check out their website ( for details.  Here in BHV, you may not be able to find 50 items of trash, so an alternative would be to pull 50 garlic mustard plants, which are more than plentiful (leave the plants in piles along the road for the BHV staff to pick up).  More information and photos of this aggressive invasive species are available online.  Whatever you do, remember to maintain social distancing and be safe!


2020 CENSUS     The 2020 US Census is underway and BHV response is listed at 60% on the Census website.  Go to to complete the questionnaire online.  Those who do not participate online will receive a questionnaire in the mail in the coming weeks.
–It’s quick and easy.  The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.
–It’s safe, secure and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.
–Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.
–Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.


BHMC NEWS    The 2020-2021 budget was approved by Shareholder vote, indicating continued support for BHMC activities.  The greatest BHMC responsibility is care of the undeveloped lands—natural fields and parks, and agricultural areas.  Here’s a quick update:

–North 40 (farmed field off Whitmore Lake Road).  The local farmer leasing this field continues to move towards more environmentally friendly methods and products.  The BHMC Board is investigating organic farming and other natural area options for the future.

–Lower Gate natural areas.  The fields on either side of Barton Shore Drive are being maintained as open space, with minimal mowing to preserve the welcoming vistas at this entrance to the village.

–Waterfront.  Work continues on the multi-year plan to clear invasive species and dead trees, replant appropriate species and maintain varied views along the waterfront area.  Watch for spring flowers popping up!

–Barton Boat Club.  BHMC leases the clubhouse/dock/gated area to Barton Boat Club (BBC), a private organization with memberships available to BHV residents.  Non-member boat storage is also available by registration with BHMC.  Contact Jan Esch (, 734-222-5209) for more information.

BHMC encourages resident enjoyment of the beautiful natural areas, but also reminds folks to maintain social distancing, respect BBC activities, take care not to disturb plants/wildlife, and to adhere to the no parking status of the roadway shoulders.


Please walk facing traffic, use clothing/lights to be seen and watch for traffic of all kinds on BHV roadways.  Be smart, be safe!