COVID-19 UPDATE     Thank you for your continued efforts to fight the spread of the virus.  Here is updated information on BHV community life.   If you have questions or concerns, please call Supt. Hnatow at 734-368-7896 any time.  Deputy Clerk Jan Esch expects to be in the office Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM – noon.  Email ( and phone messages (734-222-5209) are checked often.


–The regular trash collection schedule will be followed.

–The BHV crew will disinfect their gloves between stops

–Residents are asked to disinfect door knobs and key pads used by the crew to access trash.

–NO LOOSE TRASH.  Put all trash in plastic bags that the crew can take from trash cans.

–Empty all contents of cardboard boxes into trash bags before leaving the boxes for pick up on trash collection days.

–Do not bring trash bags down to the maintenance area, as there is no safe place to leave them until they can be taken to the landfill.

Recycle Shed

–Residents may put empty corrugated cardboard boxes in the recycle shed, but NOTHING MAY BE TAKEN OUT OF THE RECYCLE SHED (except empty cardboard boxes).

–Other items in the shed belong to specific people.  A green Schwinn girl’s 3-speed bicycle was taken from the shed on Sunday March 22.  It belongs to Supt. Hnatow and needs to be returned.

–Empty corrugated cardboard boxes may also be left just inside the salt shed, out of the rain.

–Please do not put corrugated cardboard in the big green bin.  


–The Barton Hills Village Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for April 13, 2020 is cancelled.

–No meetings will be held in Walter Esch Hall, which is closed to the public.

–The Barton Hills Maintenance Corporation will hold their April 7, 2020 Board of Directors meeting electronically.

–Please return BHMC budget ballots by email or fax by March 30, 2020.

Stay Home/Stay Safe

–Governor Whitmer’s executive order directs Michiganders to stay in their homes unless they’re part of a critical infrastructure workforce, engaged in an outdoor activity, or performing tasks necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family, like going to the hospital or grocery store.

–Be vigilant in following recommended health and safety measures, including frequent hand washing, covering coughs/sneezes, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and maintaining social distance of 6 feet if you are not at home.

Extensive information is available from Washtenaw County Health and Human Services at  (734-544-6700; messages checked often).
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we all do what we must do to stay safe and keep others safe.

     The 2020 US Census is underway.  Go to to complete the questionnaire online.  Those who do not participate online will receive a questionnaire in the mail in the coming weeks.

–It’s quick and easy.  The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.
–It’s safe, secure and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.
–Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.
–Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.


–BHV staff will pick up brush and sticks gathered by homeowners for disposal.  Lawn service providers are expected to haul away their clean-up debris.
–Separate out sticks/brush, that can be chipped, from leaves and other debris.  Place piles near the driveway or road where the staff can see and collect them as their work schedule allows.

     Contact Jan Esch at the Clerk’s Office when you’ve made an appointment with a pumper so a BHV crew member can come at the same time to fill out paperwork.  Jan can also tell you when your last pumping was according to BHV records.
Septic pumping is required at least every four years per BHV ordinance.