Monday, April 12, 2021 6:00 PM via Zoom.  Meeting information follows:

Meeting ID: 976 3302 2953   Passcode: 276643

One tap mobile  +19292056099,,97633022953#,,,,*276643# US (New York)

Dial by your location           +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


WATER REMINDER     Along with robins and budding flowers, a sure sign of spring is water sprinklers coming on.  Please help conserve BHV water resources with these good habits.

Don’t set and forget.  Your watering system must either have a moisture sensor, or you need to control it, so it does not run when there have been recent rains.

Water early in the day to minimize evaporation and avoid diseases.

Water deeper, less often, to encourage root growth.

Mulch to keep in moisture (and control weeds).

Use soaker hoses to put the water just where it should go.

Mow lawns high (3”) to promote water retention.



BHMC BOARD VACANCY     Thank you to Dan Nicoli, who has faithfully served on the BHMC Board of Directors since 2017.  Dan has now moved out of the community, leaving a vacancy on the Board.  Shareholders who want to be considered for the position should send a statement of interest to the Board either by email to Asst. Sec. Jan Esch ( or by mail/delivery to 199 Barton Shore Dr, Ann Arbor MI 48105.  Statements must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, April 26, 2021.  The Board will decide among the statements received and appoint a new Director at their regular meeting on May 4, 2021.

The BHMC 2021-2022 budget was approved by unanimous Shareholder vote as of 3/30/21.


IN SYMPATHY     Deepest sympathies to the family of Cheryl MacKrell, a long-time resident who passed away recently.


SPRING CLEAN UP     The BHV maintenance crew has been busy collecting brush and leaves that homeowners have been gathering!  Please keep leaves separate from brush/sticks, in piles near the driveway or road where the crew can pull up and load the debris into the truck.  Don’t bag leaves or go to extra work cutting sticks into short lengths.  If you hire someone for lawn clean up, they are expected to haul away the leaves/brush.



Early spring is also prime season for helping to control garlic mustard.  This aggressive, invasive plant spreads quickly through woodlots, outcompeting understory plants including tree seedlings.  Tiny seeds are easily scattered and remain viable in soil for up to five years.  Garlic mustard produces compounds that can limit seed germination in other species.  Pulling the rosettes now will diminish the number of seeds that will come later in the summer.  Start with small patches that can be eliminated to control the spread.  Leave the plants on the roadway shoulder to be picked up by the BHV staff or put them in plastic bags and put them in your trash.  For more information check the many websites about Garlic Mustard, including and

SPRUCING UP?     Remember to contact Jan at the Clerk’s Office about project review requirements.  More information at>>ordinances>>project review

The roads are full of walkers/runners/cyclists/baby carriages/lawn service vehicles/deer/geese/potholes/dog walkers….. please drive carefully!