Monday August 8      6:00 PM      Walter Esch Hall

The Trustees will meet immediately following the ZBA meeting. The public may attend in person or via Zoom. For in person attendance masks are strongly recommended.
Meeting ID: 859 7823 5712 Passcode: 690958
One tap mobile +13126266799,,85978235712#,,,,*690958# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


Mark your calendar for the Fall Picnic, Sunday September 18, 5–8 PM at the Village Green!

The Community Activities Committee has more great ideas for fun activities, but they need to hear from you. A survey is being developed where you can provide feedback/suggestions for
things you and your family would enjoy, in addition to the traditional picnic and Halloween event.

An email contact list based on the information in the BHV Resident Directory isn’t complete, since some residents prefer not to list all their information. If you want to opt in to the Community Activities Committee contact list and your email address isn’t in the Directory, please send an email to the Village Office at, with the email address you want to be used. This will ensure that you receive specific information about activities in addition to what is published in the Barton Bulletin. Thank you!


CLEANING UP      Important recycling information:
–Cardboard boxes need to be EMPTY. BHV staff will pick them up on regular trash days, or you can bring them to the salt shed next to the green recycling bin (not in the green bin) but you need to take everything out of the boxes.
–BHV has two shiny new trucks for trash collection, snow plowing, and other work. Please cut back brush along the sides and top of your driveway so the trucks can get in without catching on vegetation. The staff can provide more efficient service and the trucks won’t be damaged.
–See the attached flyer for Washtenaw County Clean Up Day on August 27 at Eastern Michigan University. Last chance this year to recycle unusual items. (Contact the Clerk’s office for this information)

WATER CONSERVATION     During these hot summer days please help to conserve water.
–Water lawns wisely. Frequent watering leads to shallow roots and greater susceptibility to diseases that thrive in wet soil. Grass needs 1” per week including rainfall, so sprinklers don’t need to be running daily or after rain.
–Water plants early in the day or later in the evening. Soaker hoses provide water directly to roots without overspray or excess foliage moisture.
–Check for leaks around the house, wash full loads of clothes and dishes, and don’t let water run unnecessarily.


FURRY FRIENDS      Taking a walk in our beautiful community can easily be ruined by thepresence of pet waste on the sides of the roads or in neighbors’ yards. Pet waste also washes into the drains and down to the pond where it supports weed/algae growth. Please be a responsible pet owner and bag your waste for proper disposal.

Also, pets are wonderful, but remember that others may not want to share your pets. Bird feathers, yowls, and poop are unpleasant hints that cats and dogs are being allowed to roam unattended. Thanks for keeping your pets close to home.


PROTECT OUR STORM DRAINS      BHV has a system of paved/natural ditches and storm drains along the sides of the roads to control water run off and prevent pollution/erosion. Please take care that leaves, dirt, and debris don’t get pushed into these ditches and drains, where clogs will lead to flooding. The BHV crew cleans these drains regularly, but your help is greatly appreciated to brush away leaves and sticks before the debris piles up. This also helps in keeping the areas easily seen so people/cyclists/strollers don’t trip or fall over them. Thanks!


GIVE US A CALL      We love to hear from you! Contact the Clerk’s Office to:
–let us know when you have scheduled your septic tank pumping
–request information about project review for exterior renovations, landscape projects, fences, retaining walls, berms, play equipment or any other structural additions/changes
–let us know if you will be away and would like additional security checks
–request updates to the Resident Directory