August 8, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by President Benson at 6:16 PM at Walter Esch Hall plus online video/phone conference.

ROLL CALL     Present:  Trustees Al-Awar, Benson, Darden, Haitam, Hensinger, Popp, and Smith.     Absent:  Trustees Conlin and Holmes.
Others attending:  ZA Capozza, Asst. Treasurer Carey, Supt. Hnatow, ZH MDarden, BHMC President David, nine residents and one guest.


MINUTES     Minutes of the July 11, 2022 Trustees meeting were approved with the following addition:  New Business.  Trustee Haitam referenced the memo sent by the Superintendent Joseph Hnatow to the Village Board on July 10, 2022, raising the issues of 20 non-Village residents congregating and holding an organized run in violation of the Village ordinances.  He engaged in … (rest of paragraph as printed). (Al-Awar/Haitam/P)


ENVIRONMENT     Committee member Carla Cell gave a presentation entitled “Barton Hills Village Refuse and Recycling Initiative.”  Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Cell for this significant work.  More specific proposals will come before the Board at future meetings.


RUNNING REQUEST     A representative of the AnnHua running group was present to answer questions about the group’s request to run in BHV on Sunday mornings in the summer.  Due to the size of the group and safety concerns, permission was not given.  (Al-Awar/Haitam/P with Al-Awar, Benson, Haitam and Hensinger voting yes (to deny); Darden, Popp and Smith voting no).



–Two residents spoke about safety/security concerns related to the increased number of unknown persons walking/running/biking on the roads and coming onto their property/taking photographs/acting like private property was public.

–BHMC President David noted that the BHMC assessments will be mailed tomorrow.  The assessment increase was kept to under 5% compared to last year, despite nearly 20% increases in road maintenance and other costs.


SECURITY     Trustee Smith presented Mr. Holmes’ security report while residents who raised security issues during Public Comment were still present.  Two items reported:

1)  Home safety information provided by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department at a BHV public presentation (2019) will be reprinted in the Barton Bulletin.  Residents should call 911 if someone is trespassing on their property.

2)  Currents signs, especially at the Lower Entrance, seem contradictory (“private property/no thoroughfare” next to “walkers/bikers single file…”).

The committee will discuss these issues, with Supt. Hnatow’s input, and report back to the Board at a future meeting.


FINANCE/FINANCE COMMITTEE  (Haitam/Carey)    The July 2022 Budget to Actual report was noted.  An interest rate error was corrected on the July 2022 Cash Balances report.  There was no credit card statement this month (normal billing date fluctuation).   Property tax payments are being received.  The Cash Disbursements for July 2022 were approved as printed (Aux. Book I G(5)). (Al-Awar/Popp/P) 



Zoning Administrator  (Capozza)  An update on current projects was provided.

Planning Commission  (Hensinger)  Review of the Master Plan is in the final stages of the process.  The Commissioners are studying landmark trees/steep slopes as possible ordinance topics.


Community Activities  (Benson)

–Invitations will be going out soon for the Fall Picnic.  Candidates for the Trustee seats will be encouraged to attend/meet residents at the picnic as they wish (no formal program).

–The trolley company has been sold to a larger company so a new contract is expected soon.  The company assured ability to provide for the Halloween event; cost will not be known until the contract arrives.

–The Committee is developing a survey to gather resident ideas/interest in various community activities.  Approval of the Board is required for this, and any survey, to be distributed by BHV to the residents.  Since protection of resident contact information is vital, surveys/reports/etc. sent to all residents should be done via the BHV Clerk’s office.


Environment  (Hensinger)

–A new bike rack has been purchased with budgeted funds and installed by the front door of Walter Esch Hall (currently with two bikes in it belonging to meeting attendees).

Climate Resilience Subcommittee (Popp)  Creation of a social media group for information exchange has been discussed by the group.  This could be done by individuals but not as a Village-sponsored project.


Human Resources  (Smith)

–Three changes to the Employee Manual, as recommended by the Committee, were approved:

  1. Page 3: Work Day & Work Week – added a new paragraph called “On-Call” that, for the first time, defines the phrase “on-call” and establishes clear processes.
  2. Page 5: Maximum Accumulated Paid Time Off – added this item to clarify that the maximum amount of paid time off that can be accumulated is 30 days / 240 hours.
  3. Page 5: Holidays – added Martin Luther King Jr as a paid holiday.

(Smith/Al-Awar/P with Haitam abstain)

–As recommended by the Human Resources Committee in their “BHV-owned Home Inspection Analysis” report, the following reallocation of funds to address two additional safety and security issues regarding employee housing was approved. (Al-Awar/Popp/P) 

$43,000 from the 2022-23 budget will be reallocated as follows:  $35,000 in salary funding from Dept 701 Maintenance Staff and $8,000 from Dept 101-000-401-402 Property Taxes will be transferred to Dept.101-853-930.000 Employee House-Maintenance, to be used for

  • $26,000 to upgrade house 215’s pre-1960 electrical system.
  • $14,500 to replace house 215’s 108 year old windows.
  • $2,500 for emergencies that cannot be anticipated.

The Employee Manual was amended on Page 5, Holidays to include President’s Day and Juneteenth as paid employee holidays.  (Darden/Smith/P) 


Long Range Planning  (Darden)  The Committee will continue with current work.


Roads  (Al-Awar)

–A request for safety measures on Country Club Road near the Barton Hills Country Club swimming pool/pickleball courts is being studied.

–Residents will be notified via the Barton Bulletin that the Trustees will be considering the future of the historic BHV fire truck.


Security  (Smith for Holmes)  Previously presented.   


Water  (Popp)

–As recommended by the Water Committee, water rates will be increased from $3.99 per CCF to $5.99 CCF effective November 1, 2022, in order to fund the cost of maintaining the water system, and to encourage water conservation.  Meters will be read for the 2021-22 billing year before the rate increase date. (Al-Awar/Popp/P with Haitam abstain) 

–BHV will test the village wells for 1,4 dioxane this month.  The hexavalent chromium spill upriver is being monitored by several agencies, including Ann Arbor City.  This is a surface water spill unlikely to reach groundwater aquifers.  Testing may be done if a testing lab can be found/testing deemed necessary.




NEW BUSINESS     None.    


There being no further business or objections, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 PM.


Janice K. Esch, Deputy Clerk     Approved 9.12.22