BARTON HILLS VILLAGE                 



January 10, 2023



The regular meeting of the BHV Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Caldwell at Walter Esch Hall at 6:05 PM.


ROLL CALL     Present:  Commissioners Caldwell, Hensinger, MacKrell, Richards, Wallace and Weingartner.  Absent: Commissioner Hanley.
Others present: resident Randy Perry.




ORGANIZATION     The following slate of officers was elected for 2023.
Chair               Walter Caldwell                                 (Richards/Wallace/P unanimously)

Vice Chair      Laura Weingartner

Secretary       John MacKrell           


Meeting dates were set for 2023:  (January 10), April 11, July 11, October 10


MINUTES     The minutes of the October 11, 2022 meeting were approved as printed. (Weingartner/Caldwell/P unanimously) 




REPORTS     None.



Accessory Dwelling Units   (ADUs)     The BHMC Board of Directors appreciated the in-depth report of the Planning Commissioners’ study of ADUs, but declined to support changes from the current policies.  Concerns noted by the Directors included enforcement, future potential, and the complexities of addressing the variety of possible situations.


Tree Ordinance     Mr. Wallace worked on a draft but determined that more discussion was needed.  He noted two specific themes:  how to provide protection in situations other than new construction, and how to provide at least modest control over “clear cut” situations.  Commissioner comments included:

–balance is needed between resource protection and the liberty of owners to decide what they want for their property

–often clearing underbrush without removing trees makes a big difference

–requiring an arborist survey would be similar to the recent Board of Trustees’ decision to require an engineering report for retaining walls

–it may be best to start with requirements for new construction, then work towards non-construction goals, depending on public response

–some removal is obvious:  dead/dying/hazardous trees, invasive species.  Healthy trees should be protected.

–“landmark” trees need to be defined/identified

–the issue is complicated, and may need to be addressed is small steps

Mr. Wallace will continue working on his report and will distribute a draft to the Commissioners before the next meeting.


Steep Slopes     Addressing steep slopes is also complex, although it is helpful that there is a map identifying these slopes in the Village.  [Master Plan, map 3, page 31]  The concerns are protecting the water resources at the bottom of slopes, and ensuring the stability of slopes so owners and neighbors are not endangered.  The review process for any project with a steep slope should include requirements for protecting the slope and keeping water on the property.  BHV has a number of naturally-occurring springs and water flow that need to be addressed, especially where steep slopes are concerned.  Mr. Hensinger and Mr. Perry will continue to work on a draft ordinance.


Other Potential Zoning Ordinance Amendments     Suggestions included:

–protection of historic views

–height limit for accessory structures

–way to address projects that are started without approval (e.g. fine/larger fee)



New Business     None.



The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM. (Weingartner/Richards/P unanimously)


Janice K. Esch, Assistant Secretary

Approved 4.11.23