WATER NEWS     At their July 8, 2019 meeting, the BHV Board of Trustees adopted Ordinance No. 57 which raises water rates from $.99 to $3.99/ccf (the minimum charge remains $120).  This change will take place with the next water billing cycle.  Water meters are read in October, so the water billing sent this October 2019 for usage in 2018-2019 will be at the old rate of $.99/ccf.  The new rate will apply to water usage after October 2019.

Due to the recent power outage, water softener and sprinkler system timers may need to be reset.  Residents are urged to evaluate their sprinklers, setting them to run only as needed.  Water resources are not unlimited and need to be conserved.

SECURITY UPDATE     Also at their July 8, 2019 meeting, the Board of Trustees heard the report of the Security Committee.  About 1/3 of BHV residents responded to the survey on security issues.  Based on those responses and the information provided at the April 11, 2019 Community Security Meeting, the Security Committee presented the following findings and recommendations.

–Subscription security camera service for the three entrances is expensive ($12,000 per year minimum), and have limited value.  A more beneficial option would be placement of cameras in strategic locations, installed and monitored by BHV personnel.

–Homeowner security systems provide the greatest benefit.  Homeowners can choose the level of security they prefer, with more timely/frequent monitoring.

–Increased BHV personnel activities continue.  Security patrols are frequent/random with greater depth (checking doors, walking around the house, etc).  Residents can notify the Superintendent concerning travel plans.  Staff and residents together can provide many sets of eyes and ears at all hours.

Residents are reminded to call if they have any security concerns;  911, Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office 734-994-2911, Superintendent Jeff Hnatow 734-368-7896 or the BHV offices 734-222-5209 (after hours alternatives on the phone message).  Lock doors, garages and vehicles, pick up mail/packages promptly, and maintain the appearance of activity.

SEPTIC MAINTENANCE     BHV Code requires septic pumping at least every four years.  Contact Jan Esch at the Clerk’s office (734-222-5209; bhvclerk@bartonhillsvillage.org) to learn the most recent pumping date.  Note that products such as flushable wipes, aren’t!  Only flush what’s meant to be flushed, to keep septic systems healthy.

BHV FALL PICNIC               Plan to join your neighbors for great fun and food at the Fall Picnic on Sunday, September 15, 2019.  The Recreation Committee is looking for sources of outdoor games equipment such as badminton, croquet, bocce, etc.  Contact Jan at the office if you have ideas, and watch for the picnic invitations coming soon.

BHMC NEWS     Progress continues on shoreline improvement, including removal of invasive species/support for native plants, and partnership with Barton Boat Club for orderly enjoyment of boats and the waterfront.  Contact Jan (734-222-5209; contact@thebhmc.org) to register canoes/kayaks (resident watercraft need a BHMC sticker to avoid eviction).  Also take a look at bartonboatclub.com for information about Barton Boat Club membership and activities.

DIRECTORY UPDATE     Contact the Clerk’s office for information

BARTON POND RAIN GAUGE     Want to know how much it has rained this week?  Check out the data from the Ann Arbor City rain gauge at Barton Pond.  Go to www.a2gov.org and search for rain gauges.  From July 17-23, 2019, over 6” of rain was collected in the Barton Pond gauge.  No need to run the sprinklers for a few days!  When rainfall isn’t enough, water lightly to provide an inch or less/week and mow high (3-4”), letting moisture-rich cuttings fall back into the grass to add nutrients and minimize grub/disease problems.