March 6, 2018
The regular meeting of the BHV Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Weingartner at 6:04 PM at Walter Esch Hall.
ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Curtner, CMacKrell, JMacKrell, Wallace, Weingartner and Zoldan. Absent: Commissioner Richards. Others present: ZA Perry and Supt. Hnatow.
MINUTES The minutes of the December 12, 2017 meeting were approved as printed. (CMacKrell/Zoldan/P unanimously)
REPORTS The 2018 Annual Report was submitted for the Barton Hills Village Annual Meeting on March 12, 2018. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None.
NEW BUSINESS –Officers were elected for 2018: Chair Laura Weingartner, Vice Chair Andre Zoldan and Secretary John MacKrell. (Curtner/JMacKrell/P unanimously) –The application for a rooftop solar installation currently before the BHV Board of Trustees was discussed. ZA Perry noted that solar installations are a permitted use in the BHV Zoning Ordinance so they cannot be prohibited but can be regulated under the Ordinance. Concern for glare seen by neighbors was expressed, as well as the larger issue of glare from other surfaces such as metal roofs and other glass or metallic structures/features. A committee of Mr. MacKrell, Ms. Weingartner, and Mr. Zoldan with Mr. Perry advising was appointed to study this issue and report back at the next meeting. Planner Carlisle will also be consulted. –Mr. Perry noted a variance application before the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding expiration of previously granted variances.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM. (JMacKrell/Weingartner/P unanimously)
Janice K. Esch, Assistant Secretary
Approved 12/13/18