HALLOWEEN     The Halloween pizza party and trolley trick or treating was a great success! Thank you to the Community Activities Committee, BHV staff and trolley-stop-residents for providing a fun and safe event.  A Darth Vader mask and a pair of gloves were left at the village hall after the ride. Please call the Clerk’s office to claim your items.



2022 ELECTION     The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
The BHV portion of the ballot includes filling 4 seats on the BHV Board of Trustees, and seven amendment questions proposed to bring the BHV Charter into compliance with state law.

Sample ballots can be viewed at michigan.gov/vote.  Absentee ballots are available from the Ann Arbor Township office and must be returned to the Township Office no later than 8:00 PM on Election Day  (3792 Pontiac Trail, 734-663-3418, email basch@aatwp.org)
In person voting will be held at Solid Rock Church at 3823 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.  Polls are open there from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

Election results will be posted at Washtenaw.org/elections as they are received on election night.  Thanks for voting!



BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING     Monday, November 14, 2022   6:00 PM    

                                                                                       Walter Esch Hall  


The meeting will include a public hearing for a  wall permit (490 Barton Shore Drive).  Public comment on the project may be submitted in writing to Barton Hills Village prior to the meeting, or in person during the meeting.  The public may attend in person or via Zoom.



Meeting ID: 857 6103 8623                             Passcode: 412904

One tap mobile +13126266799,,85761038623#,,,,*412904# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location   +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


The BHV Planning Commission has completed their five year review of the Village Master Plan. The updated Master Plan 2022 is posted to the BHV website under the Reports tab and is also available at the Clerk’s Office.


LOST AND FOUND     One woman’s size medium North Face glove was found on Barton North Dr. on October 28th. Please call the office to claim.


WATER BILLS Please be on the lookout for the water bills coming in the mail soon.



NORTH 40 UPDATE     The Barton Hills Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the North 40 Natural Area is coming along well, and residents are welcome to visit the site.  A circular walking path around the area is mowed, so please stay on the path and respect the privacy of the BHV homes that border the area on Barton North Dr.


Entrance to the area is available on Barton North Dr. just across from Corrie Road.  Parking is limited; please do not park in the driveway of the home that shares the driveway.  The Natural Area is designed to attract birds, waterfowl, butterflies and other wildlife to a quiet habitat, so please enjoy the beauty of the area without disturbing the inhabitants.



FALL CLEAN UP     While it may not feel like fall, those beautiful leaves are falling in abundance.  Here’s how to help in the clean up.


The BHV staff will pick up leaves for homeowners who rake their own leaves.  Services and individuals who are hired to rake leaves are expected to haul away whatever debris they gather.

Please do not bag leaves for pick up.  Put them in piles along the driveway or roadway.

Separate out sticks, rocks and brush that clog up the leaf vacuum. Pile them separately.

The staff will pick up leaves/sticks/rocks/brush as time permits.  Pick up will not occur on trash collection days.

Remove leaves from catch basins and roadside drains to keep water off the roadways.

Consider mulching leaves to provide nutrients for the lawn.

Drive cautiously with an eye out for lawn service vehicles and workers on the side of the road.