FOSTER BRIDGE OPEN AGAIN      Hopefully for good 😊  Be careful on cold, rainy days as the gravel surface of Country Club Road between BHV and the bridge can ice over quickly.


HALLOWEEN SIGN UP      Space is filling up quickly so click on the link to reserve a seat on the Trick or Treat Trolley. Join the fun on Sunday, October 30, 2022 from 5 -8 PM.  You can also respond via the BHV Clerk’s office (734-222-5209).   Contact the Clerk’s Office for registration information.


DANGEROUS ANIMALS      A dangerous animals situation exists concerning two large dark-colored dogs at 415 Barton North Dr.  The dogs are frequently running loose and have a recent/past history of aggressive/harmful behavior towards people.  Residents are advised to beware in the Barton North/Hillspur area, as well as in all areas of the Village.  If confronted by the dogs, call 911 for help, and notify the BHV Office of the incident after the danger is past. The Board of Trustees is aware of this situation and is working to resolve the problem and restore the safety of the community.


WHAT ARE ALL THOSE BHV PROPOSALS ON THE BALLOT?      Items A-G refer to proposed amendments to the BHV Charter, to bring the document up to date and in compliance with state laws that have changed. The proposals fall into three general categories:

1) Election law.   Questions A and D address state requirements that the village election be held in November, and that administration of the election be conducted by Ann Arbor Township rather than the Village.

2) Elimination of the Village Assessor position.   Property assessment is done by the qualified assessor at Ann Arbor Township, again by requirement of state law.  Duties that were previously assigned to a village assessor are now reassigned to either the Township assessor or the Village Treasurer as stated in Questions C, F, and G.

3) Language updates.  Question B proposes “members of the public” rather than “citizens” or “electors.” Question E changes notification method to “in writing” rather than “by mail.”




Absentee ballots are available.  Contact Ann Arbor Township for more information.  Absentee ballots must be returned to the Township office, either by mail or drop off at 3792 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor MI 48105, no later than 8 pm on November 8, 2022.

In-person voting for all Township voters is at Solid Rock Church, 3823 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor MI 48105.  Polls are open 7 am – 8 pm on November 8, 2022.

For BHV candidate statements, go to>>Barton Bulletins>>No. 17.

To see a sample ballot, go to  Remember to vote both sides of the ballot.



WATER METER READING      BHV staff will be coming to your house (when you’re home) during the month of October to read your water meter for the annual billing.  If you prefer, you can take a photo of the dial numbers on your meter and email it by October 21 to the office at Be sure to put your name/address in the email.



FALL CLEAN UP     It’s that time of year!  Those beautiful leaves are starting to fall.

The BHV staff will pick up leaves for homeowners who rake their own leaves.  Services and individuals who are hired to rake leaves are expected to haul away whatever debris they gather.

Please do not bag leaves for pick up.  Put them in piles along the driveway or roadway.

Separate out sticks, rocks and brush that clog up the leaf vacuum. Pile them separately.

The staff will pick up leaves/sticks/rocks/brush as time permits.  Pick up will not occur on trash collection days.

Remove leaves from catch basins and roadside drains to keep water off the roadways.

Consider mulching leaves to provide nutrients for the lawn.

Drive cautiously with an eye out for lawn service vehicles and workers on the side of the road.