April 2016 VOL. LXII No. 2
WATER CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT The attached annual report for calendar year 2015 is published in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and summarizes the status of the BHV water…
WATER CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT The attached annual report for calendar year 2015 is published in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and summarizes the status of the BHV water…
BHV MEETINGS The following meetings will take place on Monday, March 14, 2016 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Village Hall, 199 Barton Shore Drive. Zoning Board of Appeals Review…
HALLOWEEN About 40 children and adults enjoyed the Halloween evening pizza party at the Village Hall before the children boarded Dollie the Trolley for the Trick or Treating ride. Ann…
HALLOWEEN There’s still time to sign up for the Halloween Trick or Treat ride and pizza party featuring Dollie the Trolley. The BHV Halloween event will be held on Saturday…
HALLOWEEN Dollie the Trolley is coming! Please see the attached flyer for all the details of the Halloween event being held on Saturday October 31. FALL PICNIC The 44 adults…
DATES TO NOTE Monday September 7 LABOR DAY Trash collection will be on Tuesday September 8 Regular trash days first, third and fifth Mondays Sunday September 13 BHV PICNIC Please…
WATER UPDATE Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the cleaning and painting of the BHV water tower. The project has been completed and all is back to normal.…
WATER TOWER UPDATE Cleaning and painting of the BHV water tower is progressing well. When the actual work is done there will still be some wait time while the paint…
IMPORTANT WATER NOTICE The BHV water tower on Country Club Road is being cleaned and painted. During this time it will be necessary to monitor the water system closely to…
ANNUAL MEETINGS All BHV residents are encouraged to attend the annual meetings: The Barton Hills Village Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, May 11, 2015 beginning at 6:00 PM…